recommendations for high heat sealant for muffler repair?


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
I recently purchased an aftermarket pipe and was forced to creatively engineer it to fit it on my bike. It fits on the bike and when it doesn't leak it works great. I bought a couple tubes of exhaust repair stuff at the auto parts store but it keeps cracking. I need something that can cover several square inches or more without cracking, goes on the outside of the muffler, preferably spray or brush on, and is relatively inexpensive. buying online is not an option. I can shop at auto parts stores, walmart, home improvement stores, and other department stores. I can obviously go to the store and ask a clerk, but advice that comes from personal experience is better than from anyone that gets paid to sell stuff.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
yeah duh. if I could afford to take it to a weld shop I wouldn't have had to creatively engineer it. besides its already patched together with a tiger patch and I can't take it apart now. your first clue should have been when I used the word inexpensive.