Came a long way to get here


New Member
Jan 5, 2014
Asheville NC
Before my current bike I was experimenting with all sorts of unsafe shenanigans, I am in the process of tuning this bike to optimum comfort. She runs and runs well. Please enjoy and critique responsibly. My current project is turning a skateboard deck into a comfy "two cheek" seat. Also working on getting a larger engine seeing as when the engine runs high rpms it shakes me to the core, would a smaller rear sprocket fix this issue?

P.S. the tank decals should say "Ei-wish" haha seeing as Eibach is a suspension company I hope we can appreciate the irony.

This project has provided me with knowledge I will use for the rest of my life and whole heartedly enjoyed the experience of building my motorized bicycle. If you are thinking about building one and have the means necessary, I would recommend it any day of the week (mostly weekends and after school☺)

UPDATE: New seat and front hub, riding smoother every dayday.


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Mar 20, 2015
Upgrading the cdi stopped the ridiculous vibration at top speed for me, and feels smoother when throttling. Then I switched to foam grips to not feel the vibrations on long rides.


New Member
Jan 5, 2014
Asheville NC
Re: New cdi

I hadn't thought of an adaptive cdi before you mentioned it. Could you please provide me with a link to a reliable one? Also did you make the foam grips or purchase them?


Mar 20, 2015
This CDI has worked out fantastic for me and it's cheap too!
You're from Hanford California?

This is the one I use also, I probably would have bought $50+ cdi if I weren't being cheap.

Rocket cdi (the one I would have bought if I weren't being cheap)
Lightning cdi
Jaguar cdi
Super Charger cdi

Missing a few others, all the ones I looked at when I was in the market.

I haven't had any luck getting a reply from gasbike or bikeberry from their website/email when contacting them. Bikeberry sends the same "we have a high volume incoming email and will get back to you in 24 hours" but they never do. For me I wouldn't buy from either. Gasbike has an ebay page where I bought my cdi from, I didn't know it was gasbikes ebay account (nationwideaccessories) until I received my item. If you were to buy the supercharger just buy it off their ebay page, at least you have buyers protection from ebay. They replaced my cdi, and accidentally sent me a 2nd replacement and told me to keep it. I rather would have sent back the 2nd one they sent me, don't like keeping things I didn't buy.

As for the foam grips, I bought it from ebay. I then put tennis handle grip wrap, but ended up taking it off since you compress the foam and can feel the vibration.

The ones I bought. He has ones without the end caps for $5.


New Member
Jan 5, 2014
Asheville NC
Upgrade cdi/ grip

Was any modification necessary for fitting the grip over the throttle? Also I would assume since there is no white wire coming off the super rocket cdi it would probably make for more precise sparking although I have no way of telling until I order one.