Murphy's Law


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Thursday afternoon to evening, after many scheduling issues, I finally went in for surgery to repair a double (left & right side) hernia and get a vasectomy, essentially killing all birds with one stone. The docs warned me ahead of time how sore I'd be, and not to do too much moving around, bending over, driving, or lifting anything 15 pounds or heavier. I inquired "So riding my motorbike is probably right out for a while?" They said afraid so; three weeks at least.

And here I am looking out at the nicest weather we've had all spring, likely to stay nice for a while, all kinds of time on my hands, full gas can of pre-mix in the shed,...and I feel like I was on the loosing team of a rugby match. Why is it that just knowing I can't ride my bike for a long while makes me long for it even more. This is even worse than the pain itself.

I know I won't break down and hop on it. Like a dutiful patient, I will stick to doctor's orders like glue. But when the time comes, that first ride of the season is gonna feel SOOOOO good.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
You Sir, are a very, very brave man to have all that done at once but smart as well since the pain only happens once that way. It also figures that when you could get it done the good weather would be fantastic.

Hoping you heal quickly and the good weather lasts long after your well.



Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Thanks Steve. Truth be told, it's frugality that's making me brave. The facility fee would have been a BIG part of the bill, which I will only have to pay one of. There are other things, like anesthesia and the like, that I will only have to pay once for. Insurance covers a lot of stuff, but I never know what they're going to pick-and-choose about.

But, yes, I am also relieved to not have any other surgeries coming up either. I am (crossing fingers) DONE for a while. Hopefully for good.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Here in Canada, while we complain about the $45 case of beer and the $5.50 a gallon for gas, we forget about paying less than $200 for three months of medical for the family. Wait times can be a bear but that is part of life.
This covers doctor visits as well.

After 65 it's free. :)

Hope your healing well and with little pain. The nice part is that we're heading into summer and not winter so once your healed the good riding weather beckons.



Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Here in Canada, while we complain about the $45 case of beer and the $5.50 a gallon for gas, we forget about paying less than $200 for three months of medical for the family. Wait times can be a bear but that is part of life.
This covers doctor visits as well.

After 65 it's free. :)

Hope your healing well and with little pain. The nice part is that we're heading into summer and not winter so once your healed the good riding weather beckons.

Hmmm...$200 as opposed to 2 or 3 thousand. And after 65 it's $0. I wonder how many government jobs they got in Vancouver? Steve, you make defecting sound like a civilized idea to me. :) (And even if Canada's climate is cooler overall, compared with the Midwestern US, I'm still paying too much for air conditioning anyway.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Hi Allen Wrench,

Make the move. Lot of government jobs in your field I believe.
The climate where I live is very mild in the winter with lots of rain instead of snow though it does happen and 80F in the summer is unbearable to a lot of people. Low humidity as well.
Spring flowers have been out for 6 weeks now and the tulips are about ready and daffodils are full bloom and my brother just mowed the lawn for the third time this year. :)

From where I live you can see the mountains as you drive into the city and the northern part of Vancouver is in the mountains. I'm about 30 miles south of the city.

Trouble is that a reasonable house price is $500,000 and a nice apartment is close to $2,000 a month. Wages for are high to compensate though.
A house on our street is about a $1,000,000+ and that is just the lot value since they will tear the house down and build a bigger house on it. We are now the place to live for the offshore Asian community.

The cost of our medical in B.C. is $66.50 for a single person, $120.50 for a couple and $133.00 for a family of 3 or more, a month. If you earn under $30,000 a year, the monthly premium is reduced.

Let me know and I'll have them leave the light on for you. I think you would enjoy it.
