Fort Hood Tragedy


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I know we all will be praying for the soldiers and their families at Fort Hood. It is time to put politics aside and to remember that we are all Americans. It is time to stand together against this kind of violent act.

To my thinking there is no ideology that can justify this kind of random act of violence. This was not an act of war,or an act of protest, it was the act of a coward. It will be praised in some parts of the world, but that will never change what it truly was. There is no heroism in shooting unarmed men. It is the act of a coward period.

And if any man tried to justify it, he is a fool. You can not negotiate with a person whose only desire is to see you dead.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2007
I know we all will be praying for the soldiers and their families at Fort Hood. It is time to put politics aside and to remember that we are all Americans. It is time to stand together against this kind of violent act.

To my thinking there is no ideology that can justify this kind of random act of violence. This was not an act of war,or an act of protest, it was the act of a coward. It will be praised in some parts of the world, but that will never change what it truly was. There is no heroism in shooting unarmed men. It is the act of a coward period.

And if any man tried to justify it, he is a fool. You can not negotiate with a person whose only desire is to see you dead.
I fully agree with you Deacon. Fortunely for me all the people I know at Ft. Hood all escaped the act of that coward..


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
To think no ideology would justify this act? Where have you been the past 10 years? The same ideology is what killed 3k+ on 9/11, numerous innocents beheaded, etc....

If you want to know what we are up against, google Danny Pearle and watch the entire video. Muslim beheadings are not swift and are done with a hand knife.

Due to political correctness, our government and military have been infiltrated by a muslim fifth column.

Tim Mills

New Member
Oct 9, 2009
This was indeed a trajedy, I myself in iraq right now look at stuff like this an i jus dunno what to think. I do think this was a cowardly act just like all these attacks are by people that have been brainwashed by people who have twisted thier beliefs to justify thier actions. The things about 9/11 and this trajedy and others is that they infiltrated our government and schools, but you know we even advertise on our military channel that if you want citizenship that you can join our armed forces. Another thing does anyone kow that there is a school in America right now that is funded by the saudi government? Also due to political correctness in certain schools they allow muslims time to pray, I remember as a little boy in school we would say the pledge of allegiance every morning now you cant even say God's name in school now. I will be praying for these families and for America


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Stay safe we want you home again to ride bikes.

Ideologies my try to justify such an act of cowardliness, but none can. That is what I meant to say.
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Sep 4, 2009
This guy was a 20 year veteran and a psychologist? Talk about coming out of left field! I do not hate Muslims but truth is truth. The guy said he was harassed for practicing his religion...try being a Christian in a Muslim country...they will kill you (in some countries) for sharing your faith which is part of Christian practices (supposed to be anyhow Mt. 28:19)
MOST cab drivers are Muslims. In Dallas Tx. there is NO requirement for proof of right to work what so ever! You do not have to produce SS card birth cert or anything just a driver's license and $35 for a 1 day class and whatever criminal background check they do. There is a such thing as justifiable profiling.

The Dallas Muslim Honor Killings & ICE: I Correctly Called It, Dallas HQ, Plus Policy Implications

Cabbies? (employment, law, violent crime, illegal immigrants) - Legal Immigration - Visas, moving, passports, work, students, lawyers - Page 2 - City-Data Forum
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Sep 4, 2009
Oh I almost forgot Dallas does keep it's citizens safe from having to face a cab driver wearing sandles without socks on.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
When I lived in upstate NY I got to know a Pakistani who ran a C- store and we talked about the Muslim and Christian faths. He told me that as a Christian in Pakistan you were lower than a dog in thier eyes. You would be able to sweep the streets and any other jobs they felt beneath them to do.

They would not go into your house or have you in thiers. I always felt that he was waiting for the call to action dispite all his kind words about the US. At times he almost admitted it.

How you can deal with people who believe that dieing is a path to Heaven.
The military was watching this guy but no one wanted to be the bad guy and get rid of him.
Also it is not fair to condem all Muslims because of the extremests amongst them but if a careful watch is not kept we will see an uprising that will not be in our favour.



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Thanks for reply deacon cant wait to get home. Hey i noticed your from NC,What part im originally from NC around Greenville
Born and raised in greensboro, wound up in high point as a cop in the seventies, quit the cops but always kept a warm place in my heart for high point so I came back to open a photo studio here. Been here ever since. Now I'm retired and just mess around with bikes.

Tim Mills

New Member
Oct 9, 2009
Born and raised in greensboro, wound up in high point as a cop in the seventies, quit the cops but always kept a warm place in my heart for high point so I came back to open a photo studio here. Been here ever since. Now I'm retired and just mess around with bikes.

I used to be stationed at Bragg all my family is from NC i will be there this summer Deacon, maybe we could ride, jus a thought God bless

Teddy, i believe your right not all muslims are bad thier belief is their belief. In a way though the political correctness of our own country is somewhat allowing this to happen, im not really into politics just seen alot of changes in my 31 years especially in the past few. Being in the military ive seen alot also and seeing things like this I believe we need to worry about HOME moreusflg


New Member
Oct 18, 2009
My heart droped when I seen the news,Fort Hood is were my brother is stationed.Right now he's serving his third term in Iraq,so he wasent on post at the time.My heart goes out to all the families who have lost a love one in this horrible tragedy.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Right now I'm building and riding electric bikes, I wouldn't be much fun, but if you swing by HIgh Point, I'll meet you for coffee somewhere. I would make it a beer but I haven't had a drink in well over ten years.

Better still, since you were here a while, we will have a glass of sweet tea and a chilli/slaw burger. You can't get better of either than here.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I feel the Fort Hood thing turning ugly already.
"Friendly fire" ect.

Now we have this other looney who went on a killing spree, and just this past week, a serial killer in Cleveland....neither of who used their religion as an excuse or justification.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Well as far as I know nobody has been killed with a motorized bike, except maybe the rider. I fear someday someone will ride into a bunch of kids at the school bus stop and we will be profiled. Of course I'm old so they might have good reason to profile me.

Stop all the white haired old men with a scruffy beard and check them out. We might be the ideal suicide biker.
(( I'm going to keep my beard trimmed....Norman)
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