representation for motor assisted bicycles?


New Member
Mar 16, 2008
You know what I was just contemplating right now? after reading again the "bicycle resistance" thread I noticed that, cyclists get together in groups and whine about everything. they have their own clubs and they fight to keep their rights. they have representation :oops: .

Here in California they managed to make it so that bicycles dont have to make a complete stop on stop signs, because its unpractical to stop and unhook your cycling shoes every time. instead they just have to slow down to 5mph before crossing, treating it like a yield sign

maybe we should take a page out of their book and form organizations as well. because it seems to me, that with all the press these things are getting, the MAN is about to try and end our little fun pretty soon. Its coming. l

ike my little brother says "once theres a lot of you, government is gonna look at this and say 'humm how can we make money from this'" . you know things like registrations, licenses, insurance, classes, taxes ect. perhaps it would be good to be prepared?

I would nominate deacon for president. or norman if he promises to wear is metal helmet! (^)

just an idea, I have'nt thought it through yet. I wanted to hear your (the community's) opinion.


Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I will add, seriously, that once upon a time a lot of things were small sport/hobby/activities and once they started to grow some wanted to make rules for them. Rules turn into media/national attention, which turned into "the big time", which made what were once grass roots hobbies into rich man's sport/hobby/activity.

Ultralight aircraft for one.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
It most likely will evolve into a two tiered hobby. One for guys who stick weed eaters on junker bikes and ones who buy their bikes for a custom builder.


New Member
Jun 8, 2008

You are absolutley right.

I wrote a lengthy post, but my computer screwed up. I will get back to you guys.



New Member
Jun 8, 2008

Dear all, I will be around to follow up on this. I will also have a more definative idea later.

Unfortunately, in a lot of places these bikes are illegal or restricted. I dont understand why a small 33cc golden eagle bicycle kit would not be allowed in some states. it is not fair to people who enjoy riding a bicycle, but because of bad knees or what ever- they have to give the hobby up. mopeds are great, but only if you are capable of coming up with the money. what it cost to buy a moped, most people have to set aside for emergency money. lot of people are just too poor or hard up to even buy something that will save them money.

Strange thing is that those little bike kits arent given the same consideration as the electric ones. electric is good, but not always feasable.

I do know one thing. Our main stream society really doesnt like motored bikes or mopeds. A lot of states pass discouraging laws for that reason..

They say the majority rules this country. I think that the "majority rules" thing stinks. A closed minded majority runs our country while the silent minority continues to shut up.

There is absolutely no reason why every state couldnt be open to a small 33cc bicycle engine for older or not such good of shape people who just dont want to give up cycling.
Furthermore, a country that has such manipulative legislation to bring about desired social results, is not a free country.....

Oh well, i guess you have deny some freedoms for the benefit of so called safety and the convienance of drivers and pedestrians who dont like having motored bicyclists around.....

We really should band together and change this. There is no reason that a small 33cc engine kit could not be considered a consumer product just like the electric kits.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! anything powered by gas is classified as a motor vehicle.....
Does that mean a hedge trimmer is not a consumer product and therefore needs a liscense plate in order to trim a damn bush!?

Think about. Our apathy has alot to do with why we not a real free country, among other things.



New Member
Jun 8, 2008
Baldwinsville, NY
I was pulled over by a cop today. He was nice enough. Told me that ANYTHING that has a motor, even the electric scooter you get a small kid, is a motor vehicle. A motor-assisted bicycle does not qualify for registration. ANY vehicle that you can not register you CAN NOT operate on sidewalks, public streets or highways in NYS. That sucks. He let me go with a warning becouse I was polite, and he could tell I was trying to comply with what I needed to use it on the roads(head light, helmet, ect). How do we change this. I have always thought of NY as cool and some where I could live. But if they want to tell me I can't ride some thing I made, for fun, to save gas, and be more independent, then I am not so sure NY is for me.

We really should band together and change this.
What do I have to do so I can ride my bike that I put so much money, time and effort into. My bike is almost road wrothy for anywhere I would want to ride. As in 40mph and lower streets. Would it help if I tryed to sew the state? Could that do any thing to change there minds on this form of transportation?


New Member
Mar 16, 2008
suing the state just costs you money. write e-mails to community, government, and police officials in your area asking the specifics of the legality of your vehicle. mentions that its not a scooter no key ignition, intact bicycle drivetrain, low power and displacement output yada yada yada. and if not legal what you can do to get these legalized. simple communication.

I should try that myself.