Shame on us


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
If this is a true story, then shame on all of us for allowing this to happen. My wife came in and told me there was a story on the news about a woman who says her boyfriend, who is now passed away, sent her messages from a forward outpost in Afghanistan. According to her he and his fellow soldiers were starving and freezing at night. She said he told her they had only one MRE per day to eat.

If this is not a mistake, then by all that's holy some fat assed general needs to be hung by a very painful part of his anatomy, Some idiot built a fire base in the bottom of a bowl surround by hills a couple of years ago and got a bunch of GIs wiped out and I thought that was terrible management of a war, but if this is true maybe it's time to revisit fragging. If you delete this post moderators I am going to be upset for sure.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Atrocities perpetrated by "upper management" is nothing new in our military. That doesn't make it right, but it's not anything unique. These things have been happening for a long time and every soldier can tell you stories like that one.
Sorry, my sympathies go out to those boys and yes, you're right; someone should be ashamed but it's not the American public who are responsible. And, they have very little, if any, control over the decisions made that effect our troops.
I served two tours in Viet Nam which I feel gives me the right to comment here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Believe 1/2 of what you see, and 1/4 of what you hear.

No sense getting teed off on hearsay. What the gf and the press should do is to take it to her U.S.Congressman.

Let them find the truth, and do something about it!:-||

We, the American public, are NOT to blame.


New Member
Aug 13, 2010
Saint Augustine, FL
If it were just a couple of them out on a LP (Listening Post) I can understand it. I'm sure it wasn't a base camp. Base camps are (at least were) something a large unit would have. But, "stuff" happens. I was on a squad patrol once and we overheard on the radio that someone spotted movement from a chopper and called in a artillery on us. Needless to say we were on the horn while we were busting butt getting out of that area! The point is it could have gone the other way. As I said "stuff" happens.



Oct 19, 2010
If this is a true story, then shame on all of us for allowing this to happen. My wife came in and told me there was a story on the news about a woman who says her boyfriend, who is now passed away, sent her messages from a forward outpost in Afghanistan. According to her he and his fellow soldiers were starving and freezing at night. She said he told her they had only one MRE per day to eat.

If this is not a mistake, then by all that's holy some fat assed general needs to be hung by a very painful part of his anatomy, Some idiot built a fire base in the bottom of a bowl surround by hills a couple of years ago and got a bunch of GIs wiped out and I thought that was terrible management of a war, but if this is true maybe it's time to revisit fragging. If you delete this post moderators I am going to be upset for sure.

Ive been to many 'small outposts' during this war via Helo and have never seen any (Army Personell especially) that looked as if they were in danger of starving. Also lets take a step back and look at this....... the guy has email but no heat??? Does that make any sense whatsoever? Those little electric plug in heaters can be found littered throughout the country not to mention they can be found at every PX. Also all troops going over in the winter are issued 'Pepse' or cold weather gear.

Lastly, if some Fobbit is eating one MRE that is farrrrrrrrr from starving. Each MRE is 1,250 calories, you cannot starve to death on 1250 calls a day, but you may come home without the extra 30 pounds you showed up with of fat.

Ever seen pics of soldiers in WW2? Do they look underfed? Im sure 1250 calls a day would be glutteny in WW2.

You think the Taliban has MREs? Heaters? a Paycheck? Email contact with loved ones? Supply helicopters? Suck it up, you weren't drafted, you volunteered.

Don't mean to rant here but my generation has the opportunity to be the next great generation by winning two bloody wars and returning us to being the beacon of freedom for the world.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
When I was a kid I asked my Dad why he didn't join the legion. He said that it had too many REMF's refighting battles that they were never in.

Dad never swore so I had to ask an uncle what it meant.



New Member
Aug 13, 2010
Saint Augustine, FL
I haven't heard of that term in a long time! The guys in my company in Vietnam didn't have much good to say about the REMF's either. But they do tell a lot of war stories!
