The Skinny from GruBee


New Member
Apr 28, 2010
Spaced Coast
USA Buyers!! Disclaimer note for year 2010:

As of Feb. 20th 2010, to the best of our knowledge, none of the 2 cycle engine factories in China and including our own SkyHawk and StarFire factories have been able to get their engines EPA certified to the new rating of 40CFR 1051 now required for export to the USA in the year of 2010 and beyond.

This means no 2 cycle bike engine shipments will be able to enter the USA this year unless something changes. However, we are making plans to implement continued testing in China and in a Detroit MI. lab to comply with 1051 and/or 1065 in Q2 of this year in hopes we can qualify and continue our business in the States. The outlook does not look rosy due to communication difficulty with EPA officials in the USA! It may mean that the higher cost 4 cycle engines will take over the bicycle engine power assist conversion business in the US and Canada?
HISTORY: From Jan. 2008 to March 2009 our 2 cycle engines had EPA rating of 40CFR 90 for off road non hand held machines but now it’s been changed to 1051 off road recreational vehicle which is the same class as a snowmobile. Emily Chen at EPA is in charge of the technical aspects of 2 cycle bicycle engine emissions….. e-mail: [email protected]
USA Import Buyers beware as many Chinese Export Companies do not know USA laws and will promise anything to get your money TT wired to China. Then they say Oh sorry bye-bye!

It is also important to know that Canada has also adapted the same EPA laws as the USA. Gas engine shipments there must now also have emission certification.


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
Theres always a way to have them shipped over here, even if its in pieces and have them assembled over here. They don't have to meet no requirements to have parts shipped here.


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
Louisville Ky
dosent the epa realize that if the air is dirty in china and then the wind blows, then the air in the usa will be the same dirty air that was in china a week ago. even if they do make them emission compliant, by the time we change the exhaust, and put a bunch of hot rod parts on them they probably wont pass the epa test anymore.


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
The two stroke China Girl engine is officially toast. Hence the reason I've been asking about alternatives.

So now we have the very ugly 4 stroke lawnmower engines.



New Member
Oct 17, 2009
The two stroke China Girl engine is officially toast.
It could be a temporary situation for all we know. However, I would love to have an American made two-stroke under $250 (with a warranty of course).

BarelyAWake does bring up a good point though about other sources - namely the EPA.

On a side note, I'm sure there is a reasonably legal way to dodge the restrictions they put on the China Motors. Can anyone tell me if Morini two-strokes are being held accountable for this new EPA rating? (I haven't heard much fuss over the top-dollar names, weird)


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Grubee has actually spouted this every year like clockwork, yet every year we can still get engines from everyone. Previous announcements by Grubee have been reveled as an unethical marketing scheme as even they continued to sell the engines they claimed were "impossible" to import until the next year - when they make the same announcement... repeat the cycle.

Thing is, I do believe the EPA is interested in our fun... but I doubt they're going to use a single, biased distributor as their official spokesperson. Any current decline in engine availability can easily be attributed to it being springtime.

Until a more trustworthy source of info is found I call shenanigans.
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New Member
May 1, 2010
Northam, Western Australia.
Well, buying a spirits brewing kit is illegal here, however if you buy it it in 2 pieces (half and half) it's fine, because it's nothing until you have all the equipment.

So what if you bought the engine in 2 parts?


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
DFW, Texas
Yeah, just buy the top half and bottom half, bolt it together, and you will be good to go. Assembling the engine shouldn't take more than half an hour. I don't see why this isn't possible.


New Member
Jun 18, 2009
Rochelle IL
it may say newb but iv been around both sites for a while and know grubee has always tried to control the market on these motors. i was around when here a few years ago when he appointed himself the air police and threatened to call the feds on anyone selling these motors. i think if there was another catalyst or two in the exhaust and a better carb that had a little more adjustment from the factory the current motor would pass the epa standards.


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
I agree with BA and actually everyone else on this thread. But just because something is not compliant does not mean you won't be able to get it.

For instance, if you don't like paying $60 a carton for cigarettes, it doesn't mean you won't be able to buy them from Russia for $20 a carton. It's just that the government hasn't figured out a way to stop you from doing it, yet.


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Personally, I would like an engine that could be rebuilt with quality parts if and when necessary.

And actually what I would really like is a silent electric motor that would allow me to do 40 on a bike path without attracting attention to myself.


New Member
Oct 24, 2009
I hope it is just a coincidence that there appears to be fewer engines on the market. I just read on the pirate cycles website tho that they just ordered there last pallet of engines... so I am concerned...


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Grubee has actually spouted this every year like clockwork, yet every year we can still get engines from everyone. Previous announcements by Grubee have been reveled as an unethical marketing scheme as even they continued to sell the engines they claimed were "impossible" to import until the next year - when they make the same announcement... repeat the cycle.

Thing is, I do believe the EPA is interested in our fun... but I doubt they're going to use a single, biased distributor as their official spokesperson. Any current decline in engine availability can easily be attributed to it being springtime.

Until a more trustworthy source of info is found I call shenanigans.
Well, you may very well be right. But consider our current administration. It's only a matter of time.

Don't ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.