Worked just fine the other day...


New Member
Mar 25, 2010
Austin, TX
Okay. So after a lot of work on my first build, I got it up and running. While it still required a bit of tinkering, I was pretty pleased with the results. I took it for a ride around the neighborhood and it worked great. Afterward, I parked it in the garage and went about my day.

Later that evening, I took it out for another ride, and despite my numerous efforts of trying, adjusting, and retrying, I could not get it to start.

After lurking on this forum for a little bit to compare with other people's situations, I've discovered that as far as I can tell, I'm not getting a spark. I've tried using another spark plug and another... part of the CDI that attaches to the spark plug and it still won't work. So I assume the problem lies in the CDI itself or the wiring.

My guess is that something is wrong with the wiring since, because of my small bike frame, the wires are in very close proximity to the engine. I figure the engine heat from my ride messed them up somehow.

Assuming this is the case, what should I do? Or, perhaps you have another idea.

Thanks in advance.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
First check or remove the kill switch. Second, check the plug cap, and the wire at the CDI and make sure they are on tight. (the wire screws into the cdi).
Finally, check ALL the connections, and make sure you look at the ones inside the cover, on the mag.


New Member
Mar 25, 2010
Austin, TX
So I've been working on it a bit more. Everything looked okay to me as far as I could tell. So I pretty much did what I do to everything that breaks; take it apart and put it back together. Still, no luck.

Unless y'all have any more suggestions, I think I might order a new CDI if I can't figure it out.



New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Gainesville FL.
Got a really good ground....Try a different one.....Recheck pluyg wires....and plug, lay it on top of the motor and try to spin the motor over while holding up the rear tire to see if the plug has spark.........


New Member
Mar 25, 2010
Austin, TX
Okay. I don't know what I did, but I got the motor running. Excellent.
Only problem is, the chain came off the wheel, the motor ran out of control and the chain seized up in the gear box. Now the chain is ruined and I have to get a new one.
Weird thing is, the idle screw was set very low. I don't know why the engine freaked out like that, but it scared the **** out of me.


New Member
Mar 25, 2010
Austin, TX
Okay, I encountered another problem now.

After replacing my broken chain, I got the bike running again, but now I am faced with a problem I thought I got past already. Even though the idle screw is unscrewed all the way, it idles at full speed. I don't get it.