Article on motorized bicycles


New Member
Jul 4, 2008
Hi everyone. I wrote an article on motorized bicycles and I am wanting to do anoter one.

What I would like to write about is what attracted you to motorbicycles and some of your most pleasant memories of riding. I especially want to write about some of the rides and conversations you and your motorbike attracted.

I will be taking excerpts from what you write, so if you would I rather not use your name just state it.

I have became really interested in these bike and some of the phots blew me away.

If I get enogh partcipation, I may do the articles in a series.
Thanks to you all, its been a pleasure reading some of the stories.
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LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Re: Article on MB

Hey just say that I have a moto. Here it is." We don't stop until someone bleeds or something breaks.rotfl


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Re: Article on MB

The first thing that got me into MB's was the saving's in fuel cost. Also the fun riding one and the fun building one.

I have been chased by people who just got to know what I'm riding...Sometimes they scare me cause I'm not sure if they think I've cut them off and it's road rage..rotfl

I get stopped so many time's that I've mentioned it before...I've thought about making flyers about MB's...I've been late to work a few times answering question's about my bike...

It's alway's where did I get it? Where can I get one? How much? I alway's tell them I built mine and their are many place's that sell the kit's, just look online. I alway's tell them that you can buy a complete bike and almost alway's send them to SpookyTooth.

One lady who flagged me down wanted me to build one for her...I told her that I'm not in that business. I sent her to spookytooth. Well I guess she saw me again and without me realizing it, she followed me home. She asked again if I would build her one. Well, I ended up building her one any way.

I see her around the neighborhood and we alway's wave and give each other a great big smile.

My most pleasent memories was going to Florence, AZ....It was spring time and I was going down route 79. The wild flowers were blooming it was so colorful I had forgoten how beautiful the desert can be. Thier where so many flowers I could smell them.
I was enjoying the ride so much. I remember thinking if I was in a car, I would not even notice how beautiful thing's are. If I was on a motorcycle, I would just zoom past everyhthing and not even notice.. I felt good that day, I was so glad that I was on my Motorized Bicycle.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Re: Article on MB

I've been a two wheel aficionado since I was old enough to Dad got my brother and I a mini bike when I was 8. I have been on motorcycles ever since.

I have had a small 50cc scooter for a few years now, and while I was on line looking for some parts for it, I came across an ebay add for "Motorized bicycle engine kit motor moped scooter" and thought "That's a funny sounding thing..." It was an item description for a kit for a motorized bike. I looked at the price and it was well under two hundred, with shipping. I had to have one, since I already had a scooter and a full sized motorcycle, but no motorized bikes 'round here!

I am thrifty in the extreme, and can live with my wife comfortably for under 10,000 a year. I like the low low cost of the kit, plus the prospect of running errands and such for pennies (150++ mpg!).

I found that I can enjoy both solitude and instant popularity with a motorized bike. I can ride the far back roads for hours without seeing anything or anyone. I can ride "uptown" and draw people like three day old road kill draws flies. I haven't had one bad response or comment in the year plus I've been riding.

I've even buildt a couple and sold 'em too....nice when you can make a little dough from your hobby.


New Member
Jul 4, 2008
Re: Article on MB

Thanks alot Bikeguy Joe. This is exactly the kind of human interest angle I am looking for. It shows a lot of class on your part, building the motorized bike for the lady. And I am sure you have a friend for life.

The ride you had in Florence, AZ sounds awesome and points out how much we miss in our rushed lives.

Thanks for the post.

Tj Bunch

New Member
Jun 18, 2008
Re: Article on MB

Gwitt, you should do one on Norms Headlamps he makes some cool ones.