Just Walking Across The Street


the willi

New Member
Apr 21, 2009
west covina,ca
My son and I where walking the pups and we started running across the street when everyone was waiting and the guy was texting in the front car I thought i had seen he was paying attention. then he went through the light almost hitting my son! then my heart stopped! My son stopped too! Thank God he did! so always pay attention to everyone at a light because you will never know! since i HAVE BEEN RIDING EVERYDAY TO WORK! It seems like knowone is thinking just about driving., they are not there!


Active Member
May 18, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
I had an old lady back out of a parking space today while on her cell, she didn't even look !!!
and I was pulling the trailer with the 5yr old,,,she couldn't understand why this skinny old guy was screaming at her !!!

the good part was, I always ride like no-one sees me, and saw her back up lights,,,but man was I screaming loud ;);)


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I am sure glad none of you were hurt. That include the pups.

There is a wicked intersection on my way to the mall to walk. It has leading turn signals for each direction and two through lanes in each direction. The bike of course will not trip the light so I took through all 12 lanes before I can turn. Talk about an ulcer fest, people in cars are crazy. I bet my bottom dollar one day soon the car insurance companies are going to demand tougher laws on cell phones and other distractive driving habits. The insurance companies got the seat belt laws passed. Of course people will ignore the new law like they do the seat belt one. It's just going to impossible not to be struck by one of these idio.


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Glad you guys are ok. You have convinced me to carry one of those can air horns to blow in someone's face while screaming at them when this happens. Think I'll make a holster for it near the gas tank for quick draw.


New Member
Sep 3, 2009
A while back I was riding my recumbent pedal bike across a 4 lane road with a turn lane on the far side. drivers in the turn lane are suppose to stop at the light before they make a right turn. A guy in a pickup was yalking to his buddy beside him in the truck and idn't even see me. I gave a blast on the air zound horn and his eyes looked like saucers as he braked hard. That horn saved me from serious injury or death. It broke soon after, I had been using it for years. Need to get another. It is louder than the canned airhorns and can de refilled with a tire pump, I think 100 psi. It will hurt your ears iif it is facing you.


New Member
Feb 4, 2010
California, Orange county
The thing that really scares me is the corners of the sidewalks! Don’t trust the walk signal at all; use your own judgment instead. Some drivers don't see pedestrians at the corners waiting for the signal so they go right ahead and turn. Potential danger right there because the car is given the green to go but the pedestrians as well (cars and people go parallel to each other) and collisions might happen and I’ve seen close calls! So be careful, I check every time when I'm at the corner of the sidewalk for cars and also cars that are making left turns.