Further study is needed


Moto pope

New Member
Mar 26, 2013
St. James, mo
Have you ever noticed that when any research group makes their findings public, these results are never final? Leaders of such studies (usually financed by a generous donation, government or private endowment) are quick to add "although these findings are significant, further research is needed." Am I the only one who suspects that individuals are more than anxious to remain as riders on the "gravy train?"


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I've noticed how the news media use the word, 'researchers' in their broadcast. Almost every night, Brian Williams will use that word attached to some story about something that's "going to get you".

"Researchers have found that....." plug in whatever they "have found". It might be anything from, "fast growing fingernails could be an early sign of heart disease" or
"baby powder causes lung cancer". By the way I didn't make those up. Those were actually reported on NBC Nightly News.

I always question just who these 'researchers' are, what are their qualifications and who is paying them to 'research'? If they do identify who the research was done by almost without exception they will say, "researchers from the university of...plug in whatever school... So, from that I get an image of a bunch of nerds in white lab coats and carrying clipboards, and all in their early twenties. Students, in other words; and they are responsible for so much of the junk science that we see 'reported on'.

I have a feeling that the media plays to that 8th grade mentality that pervades the American viewing audience who wil hear the word 'researcher' and assume that if they have a title like that then they must know what they're talking about. After all, if you hear it television, it must be the truth. Right?



Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I get a chuckle out of this...
Do a search on polar caps melting, which is the current news media agenda all over our country.
Now do a search on polar caps growing, which the news media is not covering at all.

Which study is correct?
Which study is an agenda?
Which study can make the powers that be alot of $$$ by passing laws, regulating and taxing the masses to "combat" the "cause(s)"?

What is the right thing to do?

I think 2door has a firm grasp on the subject of research, no matter what the research subject may be.

Moto pope

New Member
Mar 26, 2013
St. James, mo
My second favorite lead-in is; "Experts say..." Who are these experts, what are they experts in, and who chose them to be our experts???