I was hit by a car last night...



New Member
Oct 4, 2013
Daytona FL
by a none other than a cop.

Last night, I had to be to work at 9pm for a store meeting. So I left at 8:45 so that I would not be to work late. Not even a quarter mile from my home, I was hit by a cop who was making an unindicated turn.

I turned right onto 3rd St. from Center Ave here in Daytona, and a Holly Hill Police officer decided that he wanted to pull into a parking lot using the wrong entrance. He was going well above the speed limit, and at that point I was going 10-15mph pedaling. He made the abrupt turn without a signal and I tried to avoid this cruiser but it was not enough. I ended up getting hit, and was on the ground for a couple minutes. Two more Holly Hill officers showed up, followed by and ambulance and a Florida Highway Patrol Officer. I was bandaged by the EMTs and deemed to not have a concussion.

The force of the impact shut off the motor without me using the kill switch and ruined a front rim that I had just put on the bike not 2 days before. Luckily my family and friends made me get a full face motorcycle helmet, and to that I am thankful. I ended up with a few scrapes, burns and bruises, but I am okay.

In the end, it was deemed that although the officer was at fault for the illegal turn, there would be no tickets issued. I was not a very happy camper about this and the FHP officer knew this. After I was okay to go, I walked my bike home with the spare rim and tire that I had just taken off.

I guess I am posting this as a warning to all riders that even the people who are meant to enforce the law of using indicators, do not use indicators themselves. Even today as a joke I said to my step dad, "Watch out, here comes a Holly Hill cop. Be prepared for an unindicated turn." Sure enough the cop made an abrupt run without and indicator and then almost turned right into us as he cam back onto the road.

Pleas be safe while riding everyone.

Attached is an image of my bike, taken at the scene. It is a 1992 DiamondBack Cross Country with 700x23c tires. The motor has 900+ miles on it and still runs strong. Mostly stock, 2-3 small upgrades/changes.



New Member
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio Texas
Yeah, the cops usually won't ticket their fellow officers or will try to sweep the whole thing under the rug so to speak if you have more complaints like for medical bills or to cover the cost to repair/replace your bike... They drive like crazy here in San Antonio too like the rules don't even apply to them.


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
I've been there too. And I was very pleased with my helmet also. Three or so weeks in the hospital with a bunch of broken bones was pretty crappy, but it sure beats being dead - which by the look of my helmet was what I'd have been.
Ya know, funny thing: I can't remember seeing the guy who hit me signal his turn either. Mind you, that is no surprise at all. It seems to be some kind of nationwide phenomenon - something like 80% of motorists seem to have forgotten what that little stick is for next to the steering wheel.


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
Daytona FL
Yeah, the cops usually won't ticket their fellow officers or will try to sweep the whole thing under the rug so to speak if you have more complaints like for medical bills or to cover the cost to repair/replace your bike... They drive like crazy here in San Antonio too like the rules don't even apply to them.
The disappointing part of the cop not getting a ticket is the fact that the two departments have absolutely no connection.

I've been there too. And I was very pleased with my helmet also. Three or so weeks in the hospital with a bunch of broken bones was pretty crappy, but it sure beats being dead - which by the look of my helmet was what I'd have been.
Ya know, funny thing: I can't remember seeing the guy who hit me signal his turn either. Mind you, that is no surprise at all. It seems to be some kind of nationwide phenomenon - something like 80% of motorists seem to have forgotten what that little stick is for next to the steering wheel.
Glad you are okay as well. Like you said, better to be beat up than dead.

I was even able to confirm the fact that the cop didn't use his blinker because he did not move from the spot where he hit me. On newer cars, when you activate the turn signal to make a turn, it will not turn off until you bring the steering wheel back to 12 o'clock. I even asked the FHP officer this without giving him the answer and he confirmed what I had already told my parents. I walked off after he game me my answer. My mom had to explain to him why I asked that question.


New Member
Oct 29, 2013
Spring Valley NV
After nearly 50 years of dealing with the police, all I can say is get used to it.

"We have investigated ourselves, and determined that we have done nothing wrong"

A nice touch having EMS make a diagnosis.

However, if the situation was reversed, you would be on the hook for everything they could dream up. A couple of years ago here a spandexer blew through a stop sign at about 30mph - right in front of a pickup. Messed him up bad, and he turned out to be an off-duty cop. The poor driver went through the wringer even though two other drivers saw the whole thing.

Are they going to reimburse you for the damage to the bike?


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
Daytona FL
After nearly 50 years of dealing with the police, all I can say is get used to it.

"We have investigated ourselves, and determined that we have done nothing wrong"

A nice touch having EMS make a diagnosis.

However, if the situation was reversed, you would be on the hook for everything they could dream up. A couple of years ago here a spandexer blew through a stop sign at about 30mph - right in front of a pickup. Messed him up bad, and he turned out to be an off-duty cop. The poor driver went through the wringer even though two other drivers saw the whole thing.

Are they going to reimburse you for the damage to the bike?
They told me that because the damage to the bike and the cop car were similar, neither one of us would have to pay for eachothers damages. We have to get them fixed ourselves, or in the cop's case by someone else.

Luckily I have 3 front rims/tires/tubes that will work on this bike so I was able to have my parents go get me another wheel to take the bike home.

Also, I was able to stand on this rim and make it somewhat true again. There are no bent spokes, so I think that I will be able to take it to a local shop and get it trued. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


New Member
Oct 4, 2013
Daytona FL
Dang man! I am glad to hear that you walked away from it.
I am considering getting one of these:
Get the offender on video and see them in court.
I own a GoPro that I use for recording rides, but I don't bring it to work unless I plan on doing something after work. That is going to change. I will now be wearing my GoPro, either on my chest mount or on the top of my helmet, every day that I ride a bike.

I know the chances of this happening again are slim, but I will be prepared if it does.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
I'm happy to hear you weren't seriously hurt. I've been on bicycle in big cities since the 1980s and I've been hit a few times. Luckily most of them were minor.
Back in 2009 I spent a week in the hospital after flying face-first into the B-pillar of an SUV that pulled out in front of me at about 20MPH.
Doesn't take much on a bicycle to get hurt! There's some members here who can attest to that first-hand!


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Sadness. I encountered a bit of slow traffic near an intersection today, and saw an ambulance and fire truck and several cruisers up ahead. Turns out yet another motorcyclist was killed on Kentucky Ave. again. As I was slogging by, I noticed the EMTs were just standing around. A person was on the ground in a funky bent-backwards position. A guy in a dress shirt with a black bag and other equipment was walking up. (I'm thinking "coroner".) And a guy in a crumpled Mini Cooper was being guarded by the cops, and looking like his life was over. After a while I looked in the rearview. No emergency vehicles had gone anywhere. The pieces of the puzzle didn't make for a very encouraging picture.

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
The thought just ran few my heads a few days ago after I was in a similar situation that I think the motorist these days is really just more inclined to actually want an incident.

Someone turned right in front of me the same way- They really HAD to know I was there- I think they had just come past me, and yet there was no signal or acknowledgement that- yes, just a few seconds later, I was STILL THERE.

And as a life long cyclist, I just had the feeling that the hostile internet chat or the increased pressures of life itself has made people not jusdt careless- but hoping they can take out their frustrations, when they may not be TECHNICALLY at fault.
(cause this happens all the time to riders whether motored or not). People have more road rage and hostile attitude of late I'm afraid. They don't want a person on two wheels to pass them again when they've had to slow down for traffic in front of them, even if its one of the few advantages of cycling, and even when you are dilligent not to be in the way otherwise.

It's a trend that's irratating and dangerous- but all you can do is be ready for any car that goes past to turn right in front of you. When it happens, it's at that moment not a matter of who's right and whose wrong- it's simply a matter of not crashing.

personally I wouldn't use a full face helmet on a bike either , and out of concern for being aware of what's around me to begin with- but I always wear a cycling helmet when motoring at least- and it's good you had it on at that point
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Apr 13, 2009
Portland, OR
glad you're only have minor injuries. Did you get yourself check out by a doctor? Did you feel like your life was about to end??? if you do, take it up to the cities. Even though there were no tickets issued, you can still take it up to the cities... Be angry when you're there...

I know I would...

My house was broken into by the PDs one night. I was pissed when I got home and took it up to the cities. They would not paid for any damages until I mention these points:
1) If i were to break into anyone house, I would surely be paying for it.
2) The laws should applied to all including law enforcers.
3) Our roommate was texting us every few hours fearing of thiefs/robbers... etc
4) And that my wife couldn't not sleep for days for fear of thieves breaking into our house...(while we were on vacation 3000miles away)

I was fighting with the cities for a about a week before they agreed to pay for the damages.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
You're not really clear here did the cop suddenly turn right while you were behind him? Or die he turn left in front of you? If he turned right they'll say you were following too close. If left he's total at fault. All to often drivers think we're a regular bicycle. They don't realize how fast we're going and pull out in front of us. Unless you're meeting Florida's moped requirements you could have been charged with operating an improper vehicle on the public roadways. So if you aren't meeting Florida's moped requirements its a good thing you didn't push the issue.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
OK then he is at fault. Still Florida isn't a motorized bicycle friendly state. In order to be legal there you have to meet moped requirements. (Under 50 cc, must have pedals, no manual clutch or manual shifting of engine driven gears, has to be registered, lighting and instruments requirements). There's what's known as double fault in the law. Where both parties are at fault. For example: a vehicle is at fault for hitting another vehicle. However the victim vehicle driver didn't have a drivers license therefore shouldn't have been there. Both are normally charged but can't sue the other for damages since both are at fault. So if you aren't legal consider yourself lucky and leave it alone. If you are legally registered as a moped then per sue legal action. This is why I so strongly stress riding legally you never know when somebody may run into you. Something breaks on your bike causing you to be seriously hurt or you may even encounter a road block.
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Apr 13, 2009
Portland, OR
My pedaling speed is 12 - 17mph on flat grounds w/o the engine, and you were riding in the 10-15mph range? So it's almost irrelevant if you have the engine on or not?? But having the engine helped you avoid direct impact to your body? He was a few feet from running you over... In either case, I'm glad you're ok. Like I said, the city should at least helped you to see a doctor. Who would really care about the front wheel at this point, the PD is about 3 feet from running you over.

by a none other than a cop.

I turned right onto 3rd St. from Center Ave here in Daytona, and a Holly Hill Police officer decided that he wanted to pull into a parking lot using the wrong entrance. He was going well above the speed limit, and at that point I was going 10-15mph pedaling. He made the abrupt turn without a signal and I tried to avoid this cruiser but it was not enough. I ended up getting hit, and was on the ground for a couple minutes. Two more Holly Hill officers showed up, followed by and ambulance and a Florida Highway Patrol Officer. I was bandaged by the EMTs and deemed to not have a concussion.

The force of the impact shut off the motor without me using the kill switch and ruined a front rim that I had just put on the bike not 2 days before. Luckily my family and friends made me get a full face motorcycle helmet, and to that I am thankful. I ended up with a few scrapes, burns and bruises, but I am okay.

In the end, it was deemed that although the officer was at fault for the illegal turn, there would be no tickets issued. I was not a very happy camper about this and the FHP officer knew this. After I was okay to go, I walked my bike home with the spare rim and tire that I had just taken off.

I guess I am posting this as a warning to all riders that even the people who are meant to enforce the law of using indicators, do not use indicators themselves. Even today as a joke I said to my step dad, "Watch out, here comes a Holly Hill cop. Be prepared for an unindicated turn." Sure enough the cop made an abrupt run without and indicator and then almost turned right into us as he cam back onto the road.

Pleas be safe while riding everyone.

Attached is an image of my bike, taken at the scene. It is a 1992 DiamondBack Cross Country with 700x23c tires. The motor has 900+ miles on it and still runs strong. Mostly stock, 2-3 small upgrades/changes.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
After taking a look at the bike it can't be registered as a moped in Florida. If it had been another car other than a cop both vehicles would have been ticketed. The one for improper left turn; the other for operating an improper vehicle on the public roadways. Leave it alone. You got lucky.
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Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
LR Jerry doesn't know what he's talking abouit. Florida is a pretty motorized bike friendly state- I've been riding here for 5 years without any hassle.

I'm not sure whether the law has ever changed but Florida allows for 50cc of unregistered motorized bicycle. When the 66 came out I don't think there's been much enforcement over them- even though technically they may not be legal-
I'm usually riding a 50 anyway- the bicycle has caught up to the motor if you're willing to use more modern stuff on it, and it's great local transportation.

I've been a little surprised they've never caught on more, but these days not many people are mechanically inclined, Still I see motorized bikes here in Jacksonville all the time.

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
My earlier comments were believing the car turned right in friont of you- if it was left from the other direction the car is at fault. You may be able to sue for damages.