A rant by Maniac57 about freedom.



Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
I've been on the wrong side of many, many traffic laws in my checkered career, but even the meanest cop on earth has a hard time looking me in the eye and telling me riding a motor bicycle is a crime.
I would throw my life away and do jail time before I will ever plate, register or license a bicycle, PERIOD.

Now, I know this might be seen as kinda stupid by some folks, but I believe in certain freedoms and the right to ride my bicycle is one of them.
I've owned every kind of motoized toy since I was old enough to yank a pull-start, and bicycles are one of my favorites.
If these tiny gems ever get outlawed, I plan to become a Dark Knight against repression and flout the law every possible way. I'll build a bicycle with a Rotax triple or something and drive the police insane,doing 100mph through downtown with open pipes at 3am and laughing all the way to Oblivian!
As someone who has had more than a few brushes with the law, I can tell you 90% of the time, your behavior during any police stop is going to make all the difference in what happens. My problem is my instant knee-jerk extreme rebellion against arrogant cops which makes me kinda prickly, but I learned long ago not to get an attitude until there is no choice, and when I feel I'm in the right, I'll go down in flames before I ever submit.
Every cop who has stopped me has really been interested in my bike. This includes cops who know and dislike me. They still liked the bike enough to be cool with me. These things are just too much fun. I will never give up my motorbike and I urge all of you out there to join me in rising up against idiot politicians and goverment bureacrats who see you as hosts for their parasitic need to control our lives!


Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
The oil companies own or influence most of everything, in both the big business conglomerate and government, and have for a long time geared everything to simply sell more gasoline continually.
You can really see it when you have a lifetime of experience with the nuts and bolts of the bicycle world- very SABOTAGED- and iit's reflected by the long standing resistence to ANYTHING on the road that is not expensive to own and operate.
I think things are changing just slightly for the better, and it's partly because Global Warming is not something they can still go on denying anymore.
Hopefully, the solutions needed for the growing crisis will spur some creative thought,
and get transportaion people-friendly again, instead of being the biggest corporate whip out there


Jan 1, 2013
I've been on the wrong side of many, many traffic laws in my checkered career, but even the meanest cop on earth has a hard time looking me in the eye and telling me riding a motor bicycle is a crime.
I would throw my life away and do jail time before I will ever plate, register or license a bicycle, PERIOD.

Now, I know this might be seen as kinda stupid by some folks, but I believe in certain freedoms and the right to ride my bicycle is one of them.
I've owned every kind of motoized toy since I was old enough to yank a pull-start, and bicycles are one of my favorites.
If these tiny gems ever get outlawed, I plan to become a Dark Knight against repression and flout the law every possible way. I'll build a bicycle with a Rotax triple or something and drive the police insane,doing 100mph through downtown with open pipes at 3am and laughing all the way to Oblivian!
As someone who has had more than a few brushes with the law, I can tell you 90% of the time, your behavior during any police stop is going to make all the difference in what happens. My problem is my instant knee-jerk extreme rebellion against arrogant cops which makes me kinda prickly, but I learned long ago not to get an attitude until there is no choice, and when I feel I'm in the right, I'll go down in flames before I ever submit.
Every cop who has stopped me has really been interested in my bike. This includes cops who know and dislike me. They still liked the bike enough to be cool with me. These things are just too much fun. I will never give up my motorbike and I urge all of you out there to join me in rising up against idiot politicians and goverment bureacrats who see you as hosts for their parasitic need to control our lives!

man you sound like you have been through things much like I have and I have to agree with this rant 100%. IMHO Big Brother just needs to be shot in the head so we can all live our lives.

Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
man you sound like you have been through things much like I have and I have to agree with this rant 100%. IMHO Big Brother just needs to be shot in the head so we can all live our lives.
A head shot won't get you much you have to aim for their As*** that's where
their brains are kept:)

Never hold in your farts they travel up your spine
and that's where all the shi**y ideas come from:) LOL


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
There's apparently at least 3 states right now where you can't ride a china girl without getting hassled. Washington, New York, and Florida.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
In my state ( Tennessee ) we got a 50 cc limit, an automatic transmission requirement and must have a driver's license. So I've got a valid driver's license, my engine is under 50 cc, my gearbox uses a centrifugal clutch and my bikes shifts 5 gears automatically. I obey all the traffic laws and don't ride like an idiot. The cops have never bothered me.

Here in my state we don't have to register or insure our bikes but we can voluntarily do it if we want to. Everything about my bike is legal so I don't have to worry about riding it on the streets.

dodge dude94

New Member
Jun 8, 2012
East Texas
I don't remember what our limit is here, but it must have pedals and I think it's a 100cc limit. I've had a run in with the police ONCE, and that was because of a neighbor that thought he was smart in trying to get me arrested/fined.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Dodge Dude Texas uses a manufacture's list for mopeds which they update every 90 days. So you can't call your bike a moped. They do have what is called a motorized scooter which has a 40 cc limit and must be capable of being propelled by human power alone.

If you need me to get you the Texas statutes I will in the legal section of the forum. Most cops don't know the laws on these bikes. So ride like you have some since and they'll leave you alone. The one thing which could cause a legal problem for you is if you're involved in a multiple vehicle accident.

dodge dude94

New Member
Jun 8, 2012
East Texas
If you can PM me that stuff that would be great. And no, most cops don't know anything about it. The cop that came over to my house was looking at the bike and loved it. Says 66cc right on the epa plate.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
The deal in Texas with motor bicycles is, there's no specific statutes for gas powered motor bicycles. At this time the state applies whatever motor vehicle statute it can find to regulate motor bicycles. Motor vehicle is the key word here.

In Texas all motor vehicles are considered self propelled. As long as you can reasonably argue in court that your bike is not self propelled, because you have to pedal it off from a stop, you should be good to go.

As long as no cop sees you ride off from a stop without pedaling the state has no evidence against you. If however a cop does see you riding off without pedaling you're busted, because now your bike will be considered self propelled, and therefore a motor vehicle, which means you could get a big fat ticket for riding an unregistered moped.

Motor size plays no part, except at some point you'll be stretching the limit of credibility trying to say it's not self propelled.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
This was intended as a rant AGAINST any compliance with motorbike "laws", not about how to conform.
You miss my point.
I don't care if my bicycle becomes illegal, I will still ride it.
I just won't stop for cops anymore.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
This was intended as a rant AGAINST any compliance with motorbike "laws", not about how to conform.
You miss my point.
I don't care if my bicycle becomes illegal, I will still ride it.
I just won't stop for cops anymore.
Yeah baby! Git on yer bikes and RIDE!!! My 212cc is a little bit much on the streets.....but the 99cc is just fine! Let's RIDE!



New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
The deal in Texas with motor bicycles is, there's no specific statutes for gas powered motor bicycles. At this time the state applies whatever motor vehicle statute it can find to regulate motor bicycles. Motor vehicle is the key word here.

In Texas all motor vehicles are considered self propelled. As long as you can reasonably argue in court that your bike is not self propelled, because you have to pedal it off from a stop, you should be good to go.

As long as no cop sees you ride off from a stop without pedaling the state has no evidence against you. If however a cop does see you riding off without pedaling you're busted, because now your bike will be considered self propelled, and therefore a motor vehicle, which means you could get a big fat ticket for riding an unregistered moped.

Motor size plays no part, except at some point you'll be stretching the limit of credibility trying to say it's not self propelled.
I pedal like a circus monkey in LA whenever I see a cop but have been caught WOT and not pedaling when I didn't see the cop in time. They don't even seem to blink an eye either way.....for me anyway. I just keep to the right and ride.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
This was intended as a rant AGAINST any compliance with motorbike "laws", not about how to conform.
You miss my point.
I don't care if my bicycle becomes illegal, I will still ride it.
I just won't stop for cops anymore.
Kool! We all love watching chases on TV. :D

Hey. didn't your ticker just seize up on ya?
maybe time to mellow out? Some battles just ain't worth fighting.


Jun 10, 2010
Jasper County Illinois
Here in Illinois they just converted the electric rules to gas. 50cc or less and no greater than 1hp. I don't know of a 50cc engine that's 1hp or less, aren't the 33cc usually 1.1hp? It also said something about gears but I don't remember what. Then it states that the bike cant reach speeds greater than 20mph on a flat with no wind and 170pound rider under just the engines power.

Needless to say I still ride an HT around and never got a ticket. One tried once but I just handed him a copy of the law and kept trying to unstick the carb slide. Funny part was when he said he had tried to pull me over a few times before, I replied that I'm not dumb enough to stop for an unmarked car that flashes its headlights in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. That was three years ago. I wonder how they gona react when I finish my 79ccHF Giant Stiletto Trike?