Video Posting

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
I noticed we have no video sticky and maybe we need one. When you put videos on YouTube it viewed by far more people than the ones on our forum. We therefore have to conduct ourselves as responsible riders by obeying the traffic laws. Remember these videos are being seen by all kinds of people from impressionable individuals to law enforcement. So even if you're on a low traffic road and can see way down the road still stop at the stop signs and traffic lights. I even suggest using hand signals if you don't have lights.

By producing videos of responsible riders we can get people into motorized bicycling for the right reasons and not the wrong ones.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
I'm unsure of what you may mean by a "video sticky"? If you mean a place to post vids, we've this entire subforum ofc - but if you mean conduct guidelines & legality... that's a tough one.

While I and I'm sure beyond any doubt all the staff of agree with you completely, to be honest it's not our place, nor is it even remotely practical to attempt to control, regulate or otherwise interfere with what folks choose to do & vid in their personal lives. We can make suggestions ofc, but not recording yourself breaking your local laws is a pretty obvious one & if they would anyway, a "suggestion" isn't going to deter them.

As long as the content doesn't violate our forum's rules, it's likely best to leave the vulgarities of international law to our member base, to mention as the need arises and the professionals with the flashy lights to enforce ;)


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
By producing videos of responsible riders we can get people into motorized bicycling for the right reasons and not the wrong ones.
Ummm, really? Should write a book on the wrong reasons for people getting into motorized bicycling......?

Bound to be a "Best Seller". Can't wait to see the movie :D

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
I see a potential problem here and am seeking help in solving it. Videos that are put on YouTube by members can help or hurt motorized bicycle riders. This is what we should try to get members to understand. Maybe a video producing suggestions sticky can be made. Video is the most powerful form of advertising there is. The goal here is to have members understand videos of irresponsible behavior reflects badly on the motorized bicycle community as a whole.

We've been given a very powerful tool with videos. As a group we can promote a positive image of our society. This then become about guidance in developing a majority group attitude towards promoting this positive image. So to conclude maybe a few suggestive guidelines on the type of video to make in a sticky might help.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
I would suggest making the suggestions & we'll see how it goes, as with anything "stickies" come later :)
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Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Here's my latest video, taken last Saturday night. Bad quality, boring and horrible lighting. The good thing don't have to watch it. And what ever you do, don't ride like that unless you want to stomp the competition :D It does show what a 212cc 4-stroke can do to a 66cc 2-stroke china girl on a quarter mile oval. Certainly not worthy of a sticky....

I was riding as responsible as I could, given the conditions ;)
Mar 31, 2013
it sure would be nice to have the ability to embed videos into our posts rather than just links to them.

...i've seen many forums that use this same software format that do allow it so i know it's possible, i just wonder why it isn't possible here.

peace, bozo