possible 99cc predator air scoop .



New Member
Dec 19, 2011
Clayton Missouri
Think it will work? lol, I have no idea but hope it all works out for you. I have heard a lot of people talk about how these bikes don't go fast enough for a ram air effect and that might be true but the scoop is a little different. Can you grind down/break off some of those sideways plastic bits to have a more direct flow? You are probable going to need to drill some holes in that after you put a more free flowing exhaust. so you might want to think about where you are going to do that. You probable have all this figured out... I am wasting my time typing this... good luck Hope it all works out for you


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
colorado springs, CO
i thought about it scratched my head thought some more scratched my chin im just gonna drill about a bakers dozen holes in the cover and call it good already got the straight exhaust running sounds mean to mean (needs a muffler)

i don't think it would possibly give you any significant power gain over say holes drilled in it . just another option on the chopping block .

im sure my pant leg would cover the filter and delete the scoop scheme any increase in airflow at 6000 ft above sea level is a good thing for me though .


New Member
Jan 18, 2012
weed calif
i made a air tube for my bike and my brothers it works great and even better as i go faster look at the pic ill try to load beter ones soon