Got T-boned in Texas Friday
Sep 4, 2009
Full sized pickup barely clipped my making a right turn on red I was going across in front of her. Slammed me down like a mouse trap fortunately it only fractured my right elbow...painful as heck but I am so glad I did not hit my head on that asphalt! God is good ALL the time!.duh.
Sep 4, 2009
Actually quite good she hit the rear cargo rack scuffed the paint off it and it is the only thing made of aluminum on the bike. Didn't eve/n .bend it /nore did it break the laptop I
had in my backpack!


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
George, so sorry to hear of your misadventure. First question, were you wearing a helmet? Second, how bad is the fracture? How long will it keep you from riding?

Real glad to hear the bike is okay but sorry for your injury. Heal quick, guy and keep us informed of the progress. Man, I know what you mean by 'mousetrap quick'. One second you're riding the next you're sliding. Been there.



Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
Sorry to hear it. But thanks for letting us know.

It helps the rest of us to get that occasional reminder that even the most ordinary circumstances can turn dangerous with no notice.

I'll be riding a bit more cautiously. That is, until I become complacent again.

Then, maybe, I'll be posting my own horror story.

But I hope not. Let's all remember that stories like this one can help to minimize similar stories if we keep it in mind.

Heal quick.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada

Great to hear that you are not hurt worse than you are. I'm wondering how bad your elbow is too. Any damaged joint is not a lot of fun and come back to bother you.

Did you get the police involved in case you need her insurance information if your injuries get worse?



Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I am sorry to hear that you were hit, George.
I am glad that things were not worse for you!
I hope that you heal up quickly and the broken elbow does not haunt you in your future.


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri
I'm glad you didn't hit your head on the asphalt either. But like 2door, wondering what would more likely have fractured, a helmet or a skull? No judgement - but in the spirit of helping us all ride safer, were you brain bucketed?


New Member
Feb 10, 2014
Melbourne au
Had similar happen the othe week George , it happens all to fast to react at all ,I'm currently nursing a chipped knee cap and badly sprained wrist because of a dreaded mobile phone user not paying attention and pretty much slamming the skids on for a missed turn , I was sitting quite a distance away from her but now realise that cars have a much greater stopping ability than my bike .
Luckily I was using my DOT HELMET as it now has a fair size scratch and dent on the RHS but believe if I hadn't been wearing it the dent would be my skull.

Glad to hear the bike was ok ,mine needed major panel beating to get her rideable ,taco'd the rear rim badly and bent my handlebars and smashed the peddle to bits

Heal well my friend and do as I learned from this experience ,ride like you are a target for vehicles and you are invisible ,some drivers just don't seem to care who or what is sharing the road and it's best to keep this in mind every time you fire up your bike

Best wishes and heal well my friend
Regards Henshooter


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
Sorry about your accident, George. Even if we rode with lit sparklers for handlebar streamers, many cagers still would not see us.
Sep 4, 2009
George, so sorry to hear of your misadventure. First question, were you wearing a helmet? Second, how bad is the fracture? How long will it keep you from riding?

Real glad to hear the bike is okay but sorry for your injury. Heal quick, guy and keep us informed of the progress. Man, I know what you mean by 'mousetrap quick'. One second you're riding the next you're sliding. Been there.

I wasn't wearing a helmet and another mistake I made was getting in a hurry and not making eye contact with the driver...I can do better than this! Anyhow it is like a hairline fracture and is already healing quite well surprizingly. I saw it comming at the last second raised my left leg so as not to get it crushed and kicked the bike away from me when I felt it hit...then rolled on the asphalt...only got a small cut on my left leg close to my ankle...I was fortunate to take gymnastics as a little kid and learned how to take a fall.

Sep 4, 2009

Great to hear that you are not hurt worse than you are. I'm wondering how bad your elbow is too. Any damaged joint is not a lot of fun and come back to bother you.

Did you get the police involved in case you need her insurance information if your injuries get worse?


She called the police. It is hard for me to get around to look into the insurance claim. Somebody has to pay yhe hospital I sure can't.


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri
I wasn't wearing a helmet and another mistake I made was getting in a hurry and not making eye contact with the driver...I can do better than this! Anyhow it is like a hairline fracture and is already healing quite well surprizingly. I saw it comming at the last second raised my left leg so as not to get it crushed and kicked the bike away from me when I felt it hit...then rolled on the asphalt...only got a small cut on my left leg close to my ankle...I was fortunate to take gymnastics as a little kid and learned how to take a fall.

You can't be expected to make eye contact with every driver at every corner. It's good to try, but that in itself is scary. Human powered and motored bikers have both good vantage and heightened perception from our activity, at corners. So we see all kinds of non driving related activity from folks who are legally required to watch for us. Eating, kid disciplining, the ubiquitous smart phones, and even stuff the truckers used to CB each other about. As previously mentioned, even 2 lit road flares sticking out of the ends of our handle bars wouldn't register with many of these zombies. But at busy intersections we can't check out the attentiveness of drivers at all 4 corners and (critically) the self absorbed texter bearing down on us from behind. Just a scary fact........
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