Tales of aggressive drivers,close calls and ultimately death



New Member
Sep 25, 2010
You guys ever get messed up out there? Anyone die yet?

I put a 66cc on my bike and car drivers suddenly speed passed me, routinely cut me off, etc..(stuff as a regular cyclist I never really dealt with)

Are MB's a threat? Even motorcyclists race past me in the same LANE (I know that's not safe at all).

Any stories, special circumstances or techniques to keep safe. I wear yellow, helmet up everytime and turn on my lights..I may need to get a horn, some knives and a TOW.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2010
New York
That's a shame...
Over here, when I stop at a stop sign or whatever, I wait and let all of the cars pass, but many times, they wave me on, probably so that they can get a better look at the MB!

One time, I was at a corner waiting for the light to change, and in the opposite lane was a guy with his jaw dropped, staring at the MB. The light changed, I waited, waited, waited, this guy is in a trance, staring at my MB, so finally I say eff it, I go ahead and pass him, and he swivels his head to follow the MB as it rides past him. I then hear the cars that were behind him begin laying on their horns for him to get moving.
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San Diego's Master Ride Organizer
May 17, 2011
San Diego
Yeah Ive had that happen before someone jusrt wanting to get a really good look at your bike hahaha. Love it. But yeah I always have some yahoo trying to pass me and serve in front of me like its not right for a bike to go fast.



May 13, 2011
I'm sure plenty of people have died when it comes to ahole
Cagers and these bicycles. Just be careful out there.
Jul 15, 2009
waukegan IL. U.S.A.
There was a thread recently about a rider in austin that was killed and plenty of people who have been hurt ,almost always due to other drivers, not equipment of mb rider .
I always stop and lett cars go and watch every car like a hawk.
Once at a trail stop sign, were cars have ROW and bikes have to wait , a young women in an suv saw me (already stoped at sign not moving) slamed on her brakes and was waving me to go ahead as she was screaching to a stop. The three car who slamed into her suv didn't feel the same way ! As a trained first responder I went to each car checking for injured people while calling 911 . Well once the cops arrived her story was that I was raceing thru intersection ??? To bad there was a traffic cam that taped the whole thing . There were only slight injury's and everyone was able to leave under there own power, but the whole accident really made me think.


New Member
Apr 23, 2011
You guys ever get messed up out there? Anyone die yet?

I put a 66cc on my bike and car drivers suddenly speed passed me, routinely cut me off, etc..(stuff as a regular cyclist I never really dealt with)

Are MB's a threat? Even motorcyclists race past me in the same LANE (I know that's not safe at all).

Any stories, special circumstances or techniques to keep safe. I wear yellow, helmet up everytime and turn on my lights..I may need to get a horn, some knives and a TOW.
in my life i have spent the most of my time on two wheels , i love my motorcycles for long distance trips , for tooling around town give me a bicycle .....you have to know these new bikers are cagers that have bought a motorcycle due to the cool factor or some midlife crisis , they are not motorcyclists ,they ride them the same manner as they drive their car , reckless and rude ,and i can tell they have never been on the asphalt at 70 + MPH or they wouldn't wear t shirts , cut off shorts and flip flops , cagers on the other hand act like they can't wait to get in that box and the hole in the ground and don't seem to care who they take with them as long as they don't have to wait for the light to turn green , dude its always been like that , in my two wheel road warring for the past 35 years i have been intentionally ,taunted , ran off the road , hit with flying objects , played chicken with , had dogs sicked on me by the owner ,and i have even
shot at with a .38 revolver by redneck drunks in a ford truck....all i can say is good luck and stay safe


John the Chimp

New Member
Jun 4, 2011
Simi valley ca
Im new to mb's. I havent riden mine to much. It seems like everyone stares at my bike. I've had people stop me and ask how I did it,how much, where did I get it, and my favorite one is, those go on mountain bikes to? Really the only close calls that I've had are the cops almost running me over while trying to decide wether to pull me over or not.

Is there some where that has the laws in one place that is printable? Im tiered of being harrased,and told I need a motorcycle license to ride one of these mopeds.


New Member
Sep 25, 2010
Is there some where that has the laws in one place that is printable? Im tiered of being harrased,and told I need a motorcycle license to ride one of these mopeds.
There's a section on this website for California laws pertaining to MB's. It's basically grey (I live in Washington state were everyone loves each other and their chosen vehicles), but you don't ..so..good luck. My advice, tired of being harrassed? Then start doing some HARASSING of your own. Wear black, skulls/bones and flip the cops the bird everytime and anytime. You may need to pedal going up the bigger hills to get away though..don't take no BS, you have every right to use the road. Make sure the old ladies know it by revving that engine at the stoplight. Waaa! Waaa!


Jul 14, 2010
Boise, ID
I'm lucky. Really the ground work was done by the many that go before me. The police are very aware of the laws and know that I'm legal and won't waste their time. I have lights, mirror and a horn and wear a bicycle helmet which is good enough for them. :)

When I come up on cars on my right I watch real close. They seem to be the one's that want to run me over. I'm lucky to live on a road with bike paths but it's getting chip sealed here soon :p


New Member
May 22, 2011
Driving anything two wheeled in California is a death wish. People intentionally cut you off and try to run you off the road. They always tailgate you and don't give enough room on any side of your vehicle.

I've had people try and open their car doors in front of me while riding. I pull up to stop signs as close to the curb on my Motor Bicycle and the person behind me always pulls up super close next to me so that I have less than a foot between me and the car.

The only time my dad or I ride a motorcycle is if we are going out of state. Driving in the city is not an option with our crazy drivers.