Ball bearings fell out?


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
Las Vegas
Hello all, My name is Andrew.
I've been on here once before on building my bike.
I have the bike built and all now on a cruiser body.

My engine is a Grubee 4 stroke T-Belt Engine

I haven't used my bike in quite the while as I need to start repairing it.
So now I ask for some help and advice.

As you can see from the front, I am missing a bolt I take it for one which is simple.
One day I was riding home from a friends house, which is about 20 miles from my home, during this ride something odd has happened.
From my 11 tooth sprocket all these ball barrings had fallen out.
Everything on the bike works fine, the engine uses gas and all still, the belt still moves BUT the sprocket no longer turns upon throttle.
My thought: Ball bearings of course enabled the spinning of the sprocket.

How would I go about fixing this? The sprocket isn't chipped or anything, it's in great condition.

So now then, how would I go about taking off my sprocket to put new ball bearings in? What tools would I need? What ball bearings would I need?

Additional image of sprocket: 11toothside.jpg

If you need any other information feel free to ask.


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Orange County, CA
The fastest way to get back on the road would be to have the freewheel welded up so it becomes fixed, the other option is to buy a new 11t freewheel if any of the vendors have one?

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New Member
Jul 18, 2010
Las Vegas
All the vendors I have looked at are out of stock, but I could buy a new trans with the sprocket on it and all, but that's 80 dollars and my sprocket is fine ahha :)

I'm going to see what I can do about it though.