20 inch bmx



New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
Well minor setback I dropped my perfectly painted tank and put a nice dent and a half in it :( this is the second time i have repainted this tank just for this build ( a few times before on the first bike) so now i have to completely strip the paint and begin again , my sister was nice (for once) enough to give me her gloss paint so i could clear coat my tank again , but i have to get some more industrial enamel , guess ill put more coats on my engine mount too .


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
Good news and kinda crappy news , got my engine running , idling low for a few minutes then killed it when my beautiful green pegs fell off, the right one , i use my foot on it and pull the start but the stress ripped it apart so im taking a break then im going to reweld the pegs on. One bad thing about the light frame you can really feel the vibrations its not bad compared to a chengine, however my hands dont like it , i got a new seat and gave it a poison green stripe to match the bike my neibor has a chengine and he asked me to work on his cause i see him going down the street a few mph and it dies XD ill take a short video and post it up later after im done fixing the peg


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
Well it looks like I wont be finishing this build either, the engine is fine , but the bike frame is trash i cant weld to it and i don't have the money to get a bike frame that would allow me to pedal still, and my heavy duty garage door broke off its hinges and fell on me and the thing is 50-60 pounds so that was wonderful, today isnt my day. I guess thanks for all your help and insight but i just dont have what i need to finish the bike hopefully this summer ill be able to build the stretch still that way i can at least pedal when things go to $h!+ like today


Active Member
Dec 22, 2009
CT and MA
This makes me sad :( Stick around the forum man, and tell us when you get something going good :) Sounds like a hard day. You still seem to know what you're doing, so you'll have a build go right eventually :)


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
eventually, but i needed the bike to get to the robotics gig , without it im broke I only have 158$ and thats for the carb and the other parts i need like brakes levers sprockets chain i dont have a way to a job so i dont think i will be doing any more builds money has dried up


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
I'm going to my friends house today and he has tons of bike parts im going to see if i can find a steel bmx frame to convert the bike too , that way i can just weld the mount to it ill have to get new pegs *sniffle* my greenies stripped out by accident might go order my carb today. hopefully i can scrounge up a frame


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
I hope so too , i spent so much time and money on it stupid crappy aluminum :mad: i might resort to building my own frame still and have rear suspension on it stretch it just a little bit but still be bmx sized , i wanted the bmx size because i can fit it in the minivan any frame i wont have pedaling on because the size restrictions, i took a picture from online of a bronco 3.0 and imported it to google sketch and made a 3D frame from scratch to play with , now I have to make all of the other parts i can use google sketch better than my cad software, i prefer paper and using my head, i get better results like that , computers slow me down , you use a computer for a dictionary and give me a book ill beat you at copying the definitions on a random list, I've tested it XD against my whole English class im old fashion in some ways


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
I'm back in buisness , turns out one of my nehbors is a master welder and fabracator he asked if i needed help welding aluminum and fixed where the bike broke , and for now i have a bolt on peg holder which is doing fine against the engines vibrations , there is one rough spot where it vibrates too much but the rest is smooth sailing so ill be continuing as planned with an aluminum frame and ill be welding weights into the handel bars and using foam grips thanks LS614 for the help and encouragement now i need more paint XDi have yet to redo the gas tank and i need to finish the peg mount. hopefully today i can get the materials and tomorrow work on it, Im going to be busy all day today, playin with the band


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
ok well I have steel pegs now , worked on my new steel frame , but i was thinking i can just use my welder to mount the disc brake mounts and add onto it since its bare metal now.160 mm hydraulic disc brakes 12 gauge spokes a modified hub motor i could easily turn this bike into a hybrid i really love this frame and i would like to keep it aluminum for light weight cause fully loaded its only 45 pounds max make custom suspension forks and a seat for it and it would be perfect aside from no pedals which is a pain to do with a bike frame like this unless i rack mounted it , which i Really, REALLY don't want to do ( my project ocd) but i think a good idea if i was to keep it aluminum would be keep a steel mount , but it bolts to an aluminum set up on the bike with silicone dampeners or rubber like on rc servos or on cd players with just enough give to dampen it but not enough to throw the chain off just kinda thinking out loud here
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New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
yesterday was a rather horrible day but the highlight was my engine pull start coming undone , while the engine was running , and the coiled up metal came out and hit the flywheel , ripping off a fin and cracking the whole pull start assembly and flywheel cover which is going to cost about 50$ to replace..... I dont like engines o.o# so im going to be disassembling my bike and packing up the parts until i can get what i need if not then its just going to the junk pile of my projects. later guys


New Member
Jun 18, 2010
Sacramento California
well im not finishing this bike , screw aluminum im goin steel and i saw the motoped DX and got an idea , so ive been hard at work designing a miniature frame similar to that of the DX for my lil 54cc engine i downsized the tires to 18" but im leaning more towards 20 still , this is just an idea but im really trying to build this one , ill keep you guys posted, if i start this build ill post a link to it till then later
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