CA Laws change??


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Los Angeles
Hey guys...

So... Today I went down to the CA DMV... with the intention of getting my M2 license...

I've read the motorcycle and driver handbooks, the CA laws thread here, the DMV website, the CHP website, and some other online legal references... I thought I knew what I was doing.

But when they finally called my number, some two hours later, the nice (enough) woman took my license and went and talked to her supervisor for what seemed like a really long time... I was starting to freak out a little, cause they were like talking quietly, and then pointing and looking at me, and nodding...

But long story short, she said they got rid of the M1/M2 thing years ago, and now its only M. She said "If the vehicle has pedals that work, if you're over 16, wear a helmet, you don't need a license."

That just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and it completely contradicts everything I've read...

I had already been there for hours, brought the money, read the book, done the homework...
So, I got the M license. (well, permit... I guess now I have to find/rent/borrow/buy a real motorcycle within a year for the driving test...)

I was just wondering if there was anyone who could shed some light on the M1/M2/M class issue... cause... I'm confused.

But, I definately know I feel much better about riding around knowing I can pull out a valid M class, and registration for my bike *WHEN* ( not if ) the cops feel like checkin me out...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
I was just there last week too and renewed my C and M license.

DMV employees are mostly idiots.
Nothing has changed with the laws in regard to M1 or M2 catergories. All those CVC
codes are still on the Dmv and Highway Patrol websites.

However you might as well get the M1
There is no reason to get a M2. You could take the M2 riding test on a "real" moped
but I really doubt if you could take the riding test on a motorized bicycle.

But long story short, she said they got rid of the M1/M2 thing years ago, and now its only M. She said "If the vehicle has pedals that work, if you're over 16, wear a helmet, you don't need a license."
That would apply to electric bicycles and CVC 406. b

Gas bikes are CVC 406. a
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a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
what he said...

my permit says M1 and M2 right on it.

the laws haven't changed, and if you try to tell a cop what the lady at the DMV said, he'll still give you a ticket.

nobody at my DMV had a clue either, but since i've read all the laws, i knew more than they did. you gotta remember that they're just clerks, and not lawyers, judges, or cops.


New Member
Jun 23, 2009
Los Osos, California

But long story short, she said they got rid of the M1/M2 thing years ago, and now its only M. She said "If the vehicle has pedals that work, if you're over 16, wear a helmet, you don't need a license."

That just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and it completely contradicts everything I've read...
Nothing has changed as far as I know. If it is a gas moped, you need a motorcycle license. Your experience just confirms my belief that they should rewrite the whole California code pertaining to scooters, electric bikes, motorized bicycles, mopeds and quadricycles. The whole thing is needlessly complicated. Some of it does not even make much sense. Most of the law enforcement and DMV personal are unaware of the requirements.

I don’t know why they still have a separate M1 and M2 designation since they now have the same requirements in order to obtain one. They should either make the M2 easier to get like it used to be or just drop it entirely.

Here is a spreadsheet that the San Luis Obispo police now use to sort out the code:

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I concur with all these replies... DMV workers don't know much! Get your M1 or M2; because if a cop wants to see a license, he won't care what the DMV people said!! :rolleyes:


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Los Angeles

I don't understand how the DMV can keep misinforming people.

Oh well. My papers say Class M, and that's good enough for me. Hope it's good enough for the man.


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
Los Angeles
Mines the same as Bairds, no number, just M. There was only the one box to check on the form.

So it kinda seems like they're trying to phase it out without saying anything...

I haven't had any police interaction yet, but I just got it running Wednesday night, only put like 12 miles on'er so far.