New Kid on the Block


New Member
Nov 2, 2009
Coronado, CA
I have been fascinated by Motorized Bicycles since I first saw a Whizzer, some 60+ years ago.
I no longer ride as much as I used to, and now use a Sun EZ3 USX recumbent tricycle because I can no longer gracefully get on and off an upright bike.

The Sun Trike weighs a lot more than my old PX-10, so I am considering an engine.
I have a 13 Hp, electric start Harbor Freight engine with less than 10 hours on it, an Arc Welder, and ideas. 13 Hp seems like a lot, my old Cushman took me all over town with 4 Hp. The 13Hp is paid for, and will have power to spare to run an alternator to charge the battery and make lots of bright lights.

The push trailer is where I think I want to go, but I realize I am considering a vast project with half-vast planing.

You messages are welcome, I sometimes need a healthy dose of reality.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Well, recumbents are all wonderfully different - but a traditional trike has oodles of room fer such things lol

Welcome to the forum, we'd love some pics - recumbent bikes are somewhat rare ;)


New Member
Nov 2, 2009
Coronado, CA
Reality has raised it's ugly head. After reading a lot of posts about Push Trailers, I have to agree that 13 Horsees are too many to put on a bicycle push trailer. One moments inattention and you will have a tiger climbing up your tail.

The 6.5 is available from Harbor Freight (with a coupon) for $100, and it is also probably too big for me and my tricycle.

At 70, I heal too slowly to volunteer to ride what could become an unguided missle.

So it is time to go back to the drawing board.

Gail Brownlow