gas/elec 3speed motorbike w/ pics


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
When i got a flat I was 2miles or so from home. so i rode home on a flat. I got a few hard hits and put some flat spots in the rim. I was too lazy to swap the gear onto another 3speed hub/rim wheel setup. so i just did a quick rim swap.

I somehow ended up lacing the wheel 4 times. 1st rim was 40spoke, 2nd was 32 spoke, 3rd was 36 spoke but had huge dent/hop in it that i didn't notice. So i ended up using the 36spoke rim from front matching wheelset.

I took half the spokes off my front rim one at a time and cross laced them. Stock they where under each other and not on top. I guess its for suspension or something. But im looking for the low rolling resistance and solid strong feel. So i fixed up and tru'ed the front rim.

The front donor rim.

My 3rd mess up. It ended up having a huge dent/hop in it that i didn't notice till i had over 10 niples on.

The huge dent on the original rim and donor rim ready to be swapped.

Im glad i had a huge mess on my work bench for a wheel stand.

Now that i have a new front and rear wheel's laced up. Im ready to get this motorbike back on the road. Video's soon!