Foot Brakes...
Aug 26, 2015
Overgaard AZ
Not a coaster brake. A foot activated lever mounted on the bike that works a cable, attached to caliper or disc...

Anybody know of such a thing? I've been putting thought to the concept, just can't see how to make it work out on my frame, without putting your foot in an bad position during corners. It could work with some of the pedals forward cruisers, bents and trikes really easy, just a matter of placing the peg in a spot that can be gotten to easily, and doesn't interfere with the pedals.

Random musings really, but it could help free up handlebar space, and could be added into an existing system. I've seen very simple ones on children's bikes, and think it's an interesting idea. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Since I ride offroad only, an don't have the pedals anymore, I suppose I could add one by the foot peg. The way I know dirt bikes have them is for rear drum brakes and use a mechanical linkage. I remember the brake was not working the drum very well or at all on a friends bike. After a while he turned a sort of turn buckle thing that adjusted it to grab again as the drum must have worn and that was a manual adjustment. The problem for me using a foot brake was not the usual. I just was once on such a steep slope going down the hill and wanted a very low center of gravity, along with my feet ready to stop the bike from falling over going so slow. The hand brake was a way of at least the front wheel braking as I idled the engine on a trail that I expected to be intermediate as labeled. It was to me expert by definition.
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