how the law was changed in Tucson Az


New Member
Jul 12, 2008
i would suspect the process would be the same in all areas do your home work and contact your local rep
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Re: how the law was changed in Tuscan Az

Yes!! All of Tucsonan Motorized Bicycle riders can give a HUGE Thank You to Roland for all he has done for us.

(^) Way to go Roland, Thank You (^)



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Re: how the law was changed in Tuscan Az

A Blast from the Past (2008)

Least we forget AZ Rep. Tom Prezelski, who, not only wrote the law, but was present to speak at the City Council meetings
Just to recap, Tom was the bureaucrat that got motorized bikes legal in Arizona in 2008 at the urging of Tucson's SpookyTooth bikes and I started building them here in Phoenix in late 2009. was the big foot in the door and the compromise was limits of 48cc operated at <20MPH but the door was open and has remained open.

Times have changed since then.

48cc engines are far more expensive than 66's now if you can even find one, and 50cc 4-strokes are an awesome power plant that are just big enough to be too big and technically not be legal.

And then there is the 'operated at LESS than 20 MPH (32.2 KPH)' rule.
For heavens sake, that is closer to cross walk speed that even single lane residential speed and at least 30 MPH is what is needed to to not be a hazard on 35 MPH roads which is the normal multi-lane roads here.

But back to the topic od AZ bike law...

I have been on a mission to get this law relaxed since 2011 and going to continue the fight this year but I won't be going unarmed this time.

I have initiated first contact with former AZ Rep. Tom Prezelski, and a Lobbyist that specializes in dealing with the Transportation Committee.

Wish me and everyone else in AZ that already rides or would like to legally do so with some decent rules luck

Is this business related?
You bet you sweet patotie it is, I am in a position to open an actual store front full serve and parts motorized bicycle shop this year if the rules are lax enough as I am not going to invest 10's of thousands only to be run out business by some stupid law.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2011
Re: how the law was changed in Tuscan Az

Good luck KC, I'm glad that the Georgia law states 50cc and under. You are right about 48's being hard to find, parts are limited also.


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
KC can you also ask your AZ rep about Congressional Term Limits for me. I'd like to see how far that bill has progressed on Capitol Hill. laff usflg


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
KC can you also ask your AZ rep about Congressional Term Limits (2 terms and out the door you go) for me. I'd like to see how far that bill has progressed on Capitol Hill. laff usflg


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Zero luck getting anyone in state congress to even get back to me so I am changing tact, I am working on getting ADOT (Arizona Department of Transportation) on my side.

This is the committee that recommends the law change I need and ADOT has already met with them.

That committee has almost nothing on their agenda this year but frigg'n 'special license plates' people can buy thus generating income for the state.

If that's the game what the heck, how about a special plate or sticker for $10 to ride a motorized bike with enough power and reasonable speed to make it worth it?

I want to open a real store front business in this area this year but as mentioned I am not going do it with the limits and tried to point that out in my e-mail to a couple ADOT guys.

Win or loose again I'll keep trying because it is needed.


New Member
Aug 12, 2011
Cape Cod
KC. it's extremely frustrating .. your dealing with a Government who wants to disarm Law abiding citizens " to make them "SAFER" " to me thats the same thing as taking the horns of the Gazelle to make is safer from the Tiger. If we take the horns off the gaelle the Tigers wont attack them making it safer for both Tiger and Gazelle .

This is the kind of ludicrous thinking they want us to believe ,& It's just gonna make it easier for the tigers to kill the gazelles and thats what they will do .I know its a little off from the laws of m/bing but if you have 7 minutes give this a listen !!
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Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Lets keep this thread about motorized bicycle laws and legislation. Gun control can easily slip into political content and that will result in posts being edited or removed.
Bikes, guys, not guns.



New Member
Dec 15, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri
Question 4 the forum. Is your California plated motor assisted bicycle welcomed, at least temporarily, in other states?

I like the idea of 1 time payment plates, but only F they R recognized, at least 4 a time, in other states. FI take my plated motor assisted bicycle 2 another state 4 a few weeks no one will ask me 2 license my tow vehicle in that state. I would hope 2B allowed the same slack with my licensed motor assisted bicycle.

KC, my apologies FU think this is thread drift, but U floated the $10 plate idea...
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
For $10 you can register your motor assisted bicycle as a moped in the State of AZ? All you need is a Bill of Sale and insurance, head light, brake light, speedo, mirrors ect and someone at the DMV who knows what they are doing. Many have done it, been a while since i have heard anyone register there motor assisted bicycle but with a little patience you can make it happen.

At one time Roland had it set up so you can go to the Bisbee DMV and within 10 minutes walk out with plates for your motor assisted bicycle. Unfortunately the Bisbee DMV has been closed because of budget cuts.


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
St. Louis, Missouri
Thx Dave31. New info 2 me. But 4 folks like me, trolling 4 EZ, nationally recognized licensing, wouldn't the $19 Cal deal B better? Less lights, no bill of sale, no insurance requirement (as I recall - feel free 2 correct me), good forever and ever. Also, my son is a home owning Google software engineer, and I could use his Cal address.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I don't want to get into bicycle reg fees as we have none for bicycles, but if it takes some token one time payment for a little sticker like a licensee plate renewal sticker somewhere on the bike if it is motorized I am OK with that, actually they use those stickers.

No reg owner info, just buy a sticker on-line and paste it on.

But so far zip, nilch, nada in replies from anyone.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
Gonna have to grow up a little and get yourself a license to do that, just having a registered bike isn't enough. We discussed this CARider, lol.