is anyone also finding a lack of interest?

dodge dude94

New Member
Jun 8, 2012
East Texas
You know, here is something else to ponder: people have slowly gotten used to high gas prices.

It seems to me that $3.30+ a gallon gas is the norm now. My local TV station hasn't run the "Pain at the Pump" series is quite a while now. People have gotten used to it, it has become the status quo. When gas get's up to $4 on average, you'll see and increase again, then a drop.

It comes down to society either way.


New Member
May 20, 2013
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm the only around here with a motorized bicycle and a lot of fellas who bought scooters over the past couple years are not riding them any longer. I enjoy riding as much now as the first day and I think it just confirms the notion in my neighbors minds that I am just a little bit "different". Keep ridin' guys!!
i agree with this. i enjoy ridin even if its alone

Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Here's a thought that may not be something you'd hear often- the Corporate CONGLOMERATE is soft on us and our activity-

When I write comments or on chat boards of a political nature, I use these days the term Corporate Conglomerate, instead of Big Business, because I believe we've seen a shift AWAY from ANY divided business enterprises that are somehow much competing over ANYTHING.

The computer and political landscapes, and the huge profits that come from selling fuel, have allowed a real monopoly to form, that now dominates ALL business and government.

The conglomerate, when not being directly intimidating and opposed to something, is therefore "soft" on some enterprises as opposed to others.

Motor bicycling is one of them- in fact all enterprises that in any way affect the selling of gasoline and the huge profits that have slanted things the way they are are alos going to be played 'soft"

The conglomerate will still sell us our kits and equipment- but don't you think the shipping prices from everyplace non-ebay have gone through the roof ????

The conglomerate recognizes there is still profit to be made- but more importantly to mega corporations is the TAKING BACK AGAIN of the capital thery distribute, because, the belief goes is that this is what fuels labor and keeps the hard charging maching moving forward.

So on we plod, not getting any real support or encouragement- among a lot of others factors of course,

some touched upon quite eloquently.

But after a LIFETIME of bikes and now motor bikes, and of cars and being concerned about energy and environmental things, I've really reached this point where I think the biggest influence on EVERYTHING has been, and still is, the amount of gasoline something either causes or curbs.

When I got on the net last year and searched the MPG of various cars I was SHOCKED at the poor MPG figures I was seeing, and it really drove it home. Since 2000, they really started making cars and trucks EVEN BIGGER, and that made no sense to me.

And have you tried to buy a used car lately with a clutch and a manual tranny, to get better MPG? Practically non=existant these days!

I don't get around town like I used to- except for the motorized bicycle - my age- so I order a lot of stuff online. We motorized bicycle riders are really getting taken to the shipping cleaners right now.


New Member
Dec 14, 2011
Kyle, TX
I am sure there are a large number of reasons behind the seemingly waning interest, and likely varies from place to place.

I have definitely seen a rise in the used/beaten/broken china girls for sale on the Austin area craigslist and far fewer $500 - $900 new builds. My theory on our area is that people thought they were a super cool alternative to cheap chinese 50cc scooters and bought them for commuting duties. Then when the inevitable mechanical issues arose and the rose colored glasses came off, the reality was that a lot of China Girl builds take a good amount of preventative maintenance to keep them running.

For most people in our area, a new 50cc or used 150cc chinese scooter will cost about the same as buying a pre-built China Girl (or even a self build with upgrades) and will end up being a better commuter for those not inclined for wrenching.

And there is also a lot of adoption to nearly silent electrics. I have gone to an electric build myself and love it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
I'm the only around here with a motorized bicycle and a lot of fellas who bought scooters over the past couple years are not riding them any longer. I enjoy riding as much now as the first day and I think it just confirms the notion in my neighbors minds that I am just a little bit "different". Keep ridin' guys!!

"Different" just adds a touch of flavor to an otherwise boring scene.



Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
I'm pretty sure that my first build, in 2008, was the first in my area. I had never seen one and nobody who approached me had seen one either. Perhaps a year later I started seeing others. In that time I guess I've seen 20 others or so. But none of them stick it out. Many I only saw once. A few others I'd see from time to time for a half year or so. Then they'd disappear. Perhaps the ones who stuck with it for a while were the ones with no car or license, who felt that they had little choice. But even they seem to have gone over to the bus :confused:, walking maybe :confused:. They're not riding a regular pedal bike. I'm sure of that. I'd have seen them. Anyway, it comes down to the fact that people do not want to have to tinker with their transportation at all. They expect to just 'drive'.

From time to time people will tell me that they're seeing more and more of these over in our county seat. But I don't see them. But I don't live there and ride those streets a whole lot either. So maybe there's a few. But I doubt if they'll last.

Those of us who do stick around are those who actually do like tinkering with our bikes. Meeting the challenges that they pose. But we are a very small minority. And that's not likely to change until something like high gas prices or a serious, population wide, intolerance for greenhouse gases forms. Then those of us who are willing to tinker might even be able to make a living at it.

But anyway I'm not seeing a fall off of interest in these. But that's because I never saw much sincere interest in the first place. The people around me are mildly interested. But not enough to give any real thought to joining me.

And there's no doubt in my mind that part of it is their unwillingness to engage in activity that's regarded as peculiar.

The automobile is still King in our society. We'll be outsiders until that changes. Interest might rise and fall a bit in the meantime. But that will only be small ripples because total societal interest is very low anyway.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
...But anyway I'm not seeing a fall off of interest in these. But that's because I never saw much sincere interest in the first place. The people around me are mildly interested. But not enough to give any real thought to joining me.
This pretty much sums it up for around here too, aside from the sunny summer sundays - it's a rare occurrence to see a bicycle of any sort, let alone one a'thams motorized weirdos ;)


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
I have sold over 20 builds since I discovered this hobby/obsession/psychosis and have still only seen TWO motorized bikes besides mine on the road. Both were ratbikes with nothing to suggest the builder had any skills at all. I have also helped several people who were building additional bikes for sale(motor mounts, brakes, ragjoints, etc.)who wanted my opinion on what would sell.
I know some of my customers ride daily, but even as many miles as I scroll up in a month, I never see anyone else riding.
Yet every single time I leave the house, someone flags me down to ooh and ahh over my bike.
Go figure.
Just wait until the gas prices get going upward again (like they ALWAYS do) and things will start popping.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
I've lived in OKC/Moore for almost 8 years......I've yet to see one of these on the road other than my own! I do see a few listed on the local craigslist. There's quite a few of the little 50cc mopeds, however. I guess that those accomplish the same end goal as a motorized bike, I just wanted a little more style!


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Bluegoatwoods said,
"But anyway I'm not seeing a fall off of interest in these. But that's because I never saw much sincere interest in the first place. The people around me are mildly interested. But not enough to give any real thought to joining me.

And there's no doubt in my mind that part of it is their unwillingness to engage in activity that's regarded as peculiar."

You got it. If there were more home made motor bikes around it would be more acceptable and even cool. A half dozen guys having a good time riding their Whizzers or cool home mades on a group ride would be seen as very cool. An old Indian with a dog in a canoe sidecar is a curiosity worthy of a picture or two, smiles and waves... but is a little too far out to do it yourself.

I am amused sometimes when I take my bike to town and see Harley after Harley ride by with fat old guys wearing the same outfits, seemingly on the same bikes with expressions that say"... doan mess wit me... I go my own way... a wild one... an outlaw lookin' fer trouble" and all of them wearing outfits that say Harley Davidson on them with the same dew rags, etc. like uniforms as similar as a bunch of UPS drivers on motorcycles. Strange. And these are not cheap machines. But there are so many of them that nobody cares, nobody gives a second look. Then Aaniimoosh the wonder dog and I ride by on a 1950 Schwinn motor bicycle and scout troops stop en mass for a look, people wave and take pictures. It must really piss off some of the clones. You want to be manly? Quit worrying about looking tough and have some fun. Who cares what people think? Dare to be a kid again!

Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
Over where I work, there are a bunch of motor assisted bicycles in Santa Cruz still around. I see at least two everyday. I've gave up my gas bicycle and changed it to an electric and I'm having the best time ever riding all over town.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
And there's no doubt in my mind that part of it is their unwillingness to engage in activity that's regarded as peculiar."


When my own sister saw me on my bike, she said, "I now promote you to President of the Oklahoma City Dorks Club...."

I just laughed and gave her a 'thumbs up'!! I don't really care --- it's something I enjoy riding and tinkering with. Sometimes, the tinkering is more satisfying than the riding.


Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Here where I live there's been a few riders but its like KC said bottom dollar builds. As of right now I'm the only rider. I've met several people who've said they used to have bikes but it quit working on them. They just never bothered with getting it back going. Most people don't want to spend over $250 on a build. They don't realize a $1000+ well maintain bike will last them for many years.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
As long as gas hovers around $4 a gallon, you'll see me ridin' daily and peoples jaws droppin as I buzz past them doing the speed limit and givin the 99cc Dyno an eye workout laff

There plenty of mabs around here.....2 and 4-strokes.



Jan 1, 2013
Ive seen very few around here in Chicago. I always find it funny though when someone ask me why? and I go why what? they say something like why would you do that to a bike and I reply what would you rather be seen on a scooter or something like this they almost always reply your bike. then I say question answered lol


New Member
May 4, 2011
San Jose, Ca.
I know of one guy here that rides a motor assisted bicycle and I saw one guy a couple of weeks ago making a 25 mile run on his scooter that went may 30mph on a 55mph road. the only way I'd do that is on the limited speed backroads. But I've not seen anything like what I've built (turn signals headlights and brake lights on a 12volt setup) and goes maxed 40mph.
WEll then, Here's another one P.F. MY baby has turnsignals, headlight, tail light, brake light, horn, all off of a 12V battery in the ammo box side case. the other side is for tools, rags spare parts, ect, and last time I had a car beside me the guy held up four fingers, (40mph) this pic is on the 4th of july this year. A few of my buds stopped by for a ride. mine is the cranbrook in the back.sorry, pic came out small. didn't resize properly.



New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
I haven't seen another motorized bike here in Oak Ridge Tennessee for over a year now. Before that I saw quite a few. .......The cheap kits just didn't last and now people don't want to replace them.
That's the thing, most people are not mechanically inclined. If I didn't know as much as I think I do my bike would be perma-parked.
The average non-mech-minded person can't be paying or pleading to fix their bikes all the time.
To keep these things running it pretty much has to be a hobby, whereas most people just want to get around and they don't bring tools with them which for me is mandatory.
But still, around here, most people have never seen them, people are rubber necking all the time.
Just a few days ago this old man pulled up beside me as I walked my disabled bike ( I chose to fix it at home with better tools) through the graveyard, he asked me questions and we talked about the bike for about a half hour!
At least here, they are still catching on.