got hit by a car! ouch!


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
Merced California
so i was casually riding through a ralies parking lot that connects to the millenium sports center. as i was going through where it connects, theres these bushes so i couldnt see to my left, i pulled out and bamn! i got hit by a dodge durango. i was doing about 10mph when it happened. the driver of the durango was doing between 25 and 30mph. i may have fractured my leg, i cant walk on right now. but my main concern is the bike. my parents were said they were going to contact the woman and ask her to have her insurance compensate for the damages which would be the motor and the bike. the cranks on the bike were damaged along with the the chain guard. now the motor is leaking oil. so who knows what damage was done to it. so my question is, do u guys think that her insurance will actually pay for the damages? now i wouldnt say the accident was exactly her fault, but she was speeding through the parking lot. also i did go to the hospital just to be safe (my dad forced me to go..) man i wish i had a camera cuz it was actually kinda funny cuz when i think about it just start laughing! lol

Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
Did the hospital take xrays? You should know for sure if you broke your leg.

And if you broke your leg, why are worried about the bike?

If you are at fault the insurance co won't pay anything. In fact the other driver will come after you to fix the dent in their grill.

Really, your leg is more important than the bike.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Get a lawyer now!!
All insurance companies will do everything in their power to pay you as little as possible (or nothing at all)!
The best thing you can do for your self is not to say anything to them & have them talk to your lawyer!
Most lawyers wont charge you a dime if they dont get a settlement for you.

I have a good one if you need him.

& 'YES' I guarantee that her insurance will pay! ;)
Last edited:
Sep 4, 2009
so i was casually riding through a ralies parking lot that connects to the millenium sports center. as i was going through where it connects, theres these bushes so i couldnt see to my left, i pulled out and bamn! i got hit by a dodge durango. i was doing about 10mph when it happened. the driver of the durango was doing between 25 and 30mph. i may have fractured my leg, i cant walk on right now. but my main concern is the bike. my parents were said they were going to contact the woman and ask her to have her insurance compensate for the damages which would be the motor and the bike. the cranks on the bike were damaged along with the the chain guard. now the motor is leaking oil. so who knows what damage was done to it. so my question is, do u guys think that her insurance will actually pay for the damages? now i wouldnt say the accident was exactly her fault, but she was speeding through the parking lot. also i did go to the hospital just to be safe (my dad forced me to go..) man i wish i had a camera cuz it was actually kinda funny cuz when i think about it just start laughing! lol
You're lucky it was just your leg pulling out from a spot nobody could see you coming from is not a real safe thing to do in a car much less a bike. As far as her insurance paying I doubt it...parking lots are a noman's land of practically no rules. It is private property you don't even have to have a driver's license to drive in a parking lot it is about the same as being out on a farm in a field. The owner of the parking lot is pretty much in charge of what road rules apply like stop signs. Ever seen ANYONE get a speeding ticket at a shoppin mall?


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
Merced California
Did the hospital take xrays? You should know for sure if you broke your leg.

And if you broke your leg, why are worried about the bike?

If you are at fault the insurance co won't pay anything. In fact the other driver will come after you to fix the dent in their grill.

Really, your leg is more important than the bike.
thanks for your concern of my well being. but no worries they did xrays and found no broken bones. and the lady said to the officer that she would pay for the damages of her car.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
Merced California
Get a lawyer now!!
All insurance companies will do everything in their power to pay you as little as possible (or nothing at all)!
The best thing you can do for your self is not to say anything to them & have them talk to your lawyer!
Most lawyers wont charge you a dime if they dont get a settlement for you.

I have a good one if you need him.

& 'YES' I guarantee that her insurance will pay! ;)
thanks for the info i really do appreciate it and i will let my parents know about it. and ya her insurance better pay for everything including having the bike put together. as far they know i payed someone else to put it together because my bike in particular was a pain the *** to build every step of the way. heres my thought of what needs be to compensated for: gas money to pick up my new bike, including the bike of course, a new motor kit, hospital bill (my insurance covers it im sure but theres always a what if) and for pain i dealt with. when my sister was in an accident she got money for the pain so hopefully i can too. to be honest though i dont want her to have to pay because she was extremely nice, even went and bought me a water and a twix lol, therfore i would feel kinda bad for screwing her over. if u could pm me with some more info on that lawyer of yours thatd be nice.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2010
lakewood ca
in calif all laws apply. you would be supprised at how many people are busted for DUI's before they get out of the parking lot. and they will snatch you car/bike too!


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Get a lawyer now!!
All insurance companies will do everything in their power to pay you as little as possible (or nothing at all)!
The best thing you can do for your self is not to say anything to them & have them talk to your lawyer!
Most lawyers wont charge you a dime if they dont get a settlement for you.

I have a good one if you need him.

& 'YES' I guarantee that her insurance will pay! ;)
This man knows what he is talking about. And I can vouch for this with personal experience. It may take a long time, and the lawyer may have to do some fighting, but the insurance should eventually pay. Take Norm up on his offer: if Norm says he's good, hire his lawyer. For your own sake, do it quickly.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
Merced California
ya i most likely will delete this lol. and i got to the doctor for a follow up to get everything double checked. but man this damn splint is so annoying. they splinted my whole leg lol. ill take it off soon matter of fact.

so i tryed to fire up the bike yesterday and imediately when i put the clutch in it went to full throttle so i had to quickly hit the kill switch. not sure wats wrong with it but im kinda hoping its not fixable because id to try out a grubee skyhawk 66cc with the cns v3 racing carb which is only a ten dollar difference of my sd stinger kit. i also started looking at a new bike. i definitely want something with disc brakes now because i realized being able to stop quickly is very important! lol. i found a genesis 29" mountain bike with front disc brakes.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
You need to let the lawyer talk to them!! Dont even talk to the insurance company, because they will use any slip up that you say to not pay you! (I've been through this many times... trust me).
Sep 4, 2009
I'd take his advice and lawyer up you don't know that that injury could be with you for a long time my ankle has been fractured for over a year I need surgery but have no coverage...I'm just sayin