New Engine Smell


Jan 9, 2011
USA Georgia
Been riding my newly built bike for short trips breaking in the engine. So far after about twenty miles all is well. It does appear the chain may need some thighting etc. The main question here put to the old and young timmers here is the following. The engine upon shut dowm seems to put off a hot smell. Not alarming but none the less seem like the engine is hot. Is this normal on a new run in? I would think yes but would like to be sure. Had to turn down the idle today so must be getting looser. Thanks for you time and shoot a response if you can. Thanks. gphil

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Re: Engine

Most new engines have a little bit of a burnt smell... The best thing you can do for it is to make sure the bike keeps moving (to keep air blowing over it to cool it).