Hi from Gilbert, AZ



New Member
May 17, 2012
Gilbert, AZ
hey all, my name is Bill, and i think i am gonna build me a motorized bicycle! LOL.

been lurking here for a few weeks, and figured i better sign up. this would appear to be a great hobby for me. im one of those guys who is always tinkering. if im not working or sleeping, i am in the garage! this should be alot of fun as it seems quite affordable to "play" and try different things. i am gonna hafta be carefull what i build though! at a solid 300lbs, and having ridden dirt-bikes my whole life (and i ride them well!) i am afraid i will be destroying things quickly HA-HA! .wee. now if i could just make up my mind. 2 or 4 stroke?! that is the question.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
Welcome to the forum. I lived in the East Valley for 14 years before my company moved me to Texas. I miss those bike lanes.


New Member
May 17, 2012
Gilbert, AZ
when i ride my bicycle now, i cruise the sidewalks! the bike lanes are gonna take some getting used to for me for sure! i plan to commute on this thing. lucky for me, there is a bike "trail" that runs along the new 202, and one of the canals that will get me about 70% of the way there! with great scenery to boot. and the rest is nice roads with wide bike lanes. its about 18miles one way. i figure i will save $350-450 a month in diesel fuel. that is one of the reasons i want to build this bike. fitness is another. i am sure there will still be pedaling. i graduated to a desk job about 3 years ago. between that, and being partially handicapped. i am feeling my age way to soon! i need to get in shape. i havnt taken the dirt bike out in months because i dont want to go buy new gear. and my old gear doesnt fit me anymore. thats just not acceptable, and i am gonna do something about it! i have ridden my bicycle to work twice now, but 18miles is just way to far to pedal at 4:00am. my plan is to cruise to work in the am. and force myself to do some pedaling every day on the way home. i know, yea right! LOLOL
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Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
These hills here in Tennessee can be tough on young and fit people with lite road bikes. So a middle age man who has had heart surgery and rides a mountain bike wouldn't stand a chance on them. However after motorizing my bike I can now do something I love doing.