DIY Penny Farthing


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I absolutely love old bicycles..... the older the better, and ive always wanted a penny farthing, thought about it for a while trying to make one. Did a little research and some people just used large unicycle wheels.... but thats not big enough for my liking..... then i heard of people taking a number of bicycle rims (cut and welded together to form a larger diametre rim) and using S/S wire for spokes, and hose or solid rubber hose for tyres.

Then tonight i came across this build, this guy is a craftsman and made his own penny farthing..... i cant tell if he used the method i mentioned earlier for the front rim but he used the solid rubber tyres.

Note: first 2 1/2 minutes are him riding it, watch the end to see the build

Makes me really wanna build one now, obviously not to this high standard


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
What would it be like to pop a wheele on those... I expect a disaster. Seems that front wheel drive prevents this, but try getting a reverse gear like on the over 1200 CC motorcycles and pulse the throttle for laughs:)

I had seen one of these an the person was pretty good a controling it like the guy in the video. Not motorized type it was. It was on a bike/pedestrian trail so dealing with cars was not an issue. It had the solid rubber tires too.