WOW.... just WOW. This guy can build a bike


Bonneville Bomber the Salt Flat record breaker
Jun 25, 2009
Yeah, right. I am in no way comparing myself to this guy, but I am doing my part to help keep business here in the states and work with highly skilled craftsmen every day. I also have all my custom parts that I don't build myself made right here in California. Can I get them cheaper overseas? Yes. Do I? No!


New Member
Mar 25, 2011
Yeah, right. I am in no way comparing myself to this guy, but I am doing my part to help keep business here in the states and work with highly skilled craftsmen every day. I also have all my custom parts that I don't build myself made right here in California. Can I get them cheaper overseas? Yes. Do I? No!
Hats off to you for keeping skilled workers working here in the US, and sharpening your own skills, but in the bigger picture do you see what I mean? Elder generations built things and had skills, these days we build nothing and know nothing, except how to text while they drive a foreign car! If we don't start building stuff here in the USA again we are doomed...
Somebody should get in contact with this oldtimer and have him design a motor we can build here in the usa to replace the chinese crap we ride now. I know it would be more expensive, but how many people have their china girls fail in the first season and come to the realization that you kinda need two motors if you want to keep your bike running? LOL Think about the failures and repair costs on the china motors and then perhaps a more expensive more reliable motor is more competitive...
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Gutter Rider
May 26, 2011
Left coast
Difficult to get young people interested in machine skills when there is no manufacturing to gratify them for it.
It takes a long period of study and extensive hours to fabricate even the simplest part from scratch. Tons of perseverance!

...and <I think> that randyrandy guy who built the Indian is Italian, IN the old country.


New Member
Oct 2, 2011
st louis mo.
incredible!...i wish i had half the know how he has.i went to see a leonardo davinci exibit last weekend and was taken aback at the genius of that man and he was uneducated!some of the things he came up with are still in use 500 years later!


May 25, 2008
Not to go off topic but man it really is worrisome to see old world know how go. It does get lost. If you really look, every thing and I mean every thing we do MB wise, has been done before. The bicycles we put engines on were for the most part thought out and built in the 1800s and before. We really are just rediscovering/building the wheel. Every innovation I have seen in the last 5 yrs for MBs, can be found well in the past if you Google it. Cool part of our time is we can Google it. The 1903 Harley Davidson had pedals. (With a belt drive reduction gear) As did the 1869 steam powered MB.

For stocking stuffers at the holidays, I make key chains with string. I splice a monkey's-fist knot on a key chain loop. It was first made around 5,000 yrs ago in ancient Mesopotamia. It was made internationally illegal in the '90s. (The real ones are the size of softballs and lead weighted. You throw them ashore to dock workers who catch them, then they haul your dock lines. The problem was, when ya hit a guy in the chest with one, he fell down hard)

My point is, when I pass on, no one will know how to tie that knot. Change is scarry

But thanks to this thread and ones like it, and internet, our kids will be able to look it up!

Kinda cool and I have great hope!

How to tie a Monkey's fist (Wut? is a really cool knot, snork)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
I would not think that he made the tires from scatch, but you could grow the tree and vulcanize the stuff so I suppose with all that talent, damn probably would be able to!

Measure Twice

A huge rubber tree is growing at my apts and I knew the old timer that was in the constuction trade that the tree started as a seedling when he helped it grow. He left about 10 years ago and I guessing that it means the tree may have been growing for about 35 years. I could probably tap it without harming its growth. They had to keep it from topping the roof a couple times. I can see getting kicked out of the apts becuase it starts smelling like Akron Ohio!
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New Member
Aug 19, 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
Looks to me like the guy in the vid got escalated to godlike status.
No doubt that he's very clever & skilled.
On the subject of whether something is made in the US or China:
I import about 50 product lines for our Bobber parts business here in NZ. Most of the stuff is handmade in the US. A percentage of stuff is from China.
The US stuff we sell is well made & designed, & quality control is seldom an issue. Some people here in NZ appreciate something that isnt made in China & that they know will last instead of being disposable. 'Made in USA' definitely holds some kudos down here.