Well I just had to say this and see if anyone else has experienced this



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
it seems no one is redaing and understanding what I ask and what this thread was started for.

This aint rocket science just to be blunt here.......

I ask if anyone else has had this same experience with the expansion pipe not yeilding any noticable increases over a exhaust they they made themselves........this whole thing was started as that simple question...

I never one time in the original post was asking for any problem solving advice because I dont have a problem with what I have and I am very pleased with my results with either set up, I was simply asking if anyone else has experienced this same thing.

Quote: I put a SBP expansion Chamber on one of my bikes that I had a straight pipe on before and it actually seems that the torque has dropped on it, dont get me wrong here it still runs good but it doesnt pull the hills as good as it did with my home built exhaust.

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this.......

If you will notice on bairdco's bikes he doesn't run expansion chambers and have you noticed the speed and power his engines make.........hum....

All I am saying is that my engines so far have run better all the way around with something other than the expansion pipes I've had on them.

I can't understand what it is that is so hard for some to understand about the original question I ask, maybe I need to go back and overly simplify it and sum it up in 10 words or less somehow..........at this point I'm not really sure what I need to do......maybe just delete all my posts on this and move on since it has become so twisted up at this point.

Dont get me wrong here anyone PLEASE.. I do appreciate all the good advice about the expansion pipe and it's benefits, I still have a lot to learn on this stuff but all I can go on is what I have experience thus far on my engines, I never intended this to seem like I was putting down the SBP Expansion pipe, I think it's a grea upgrade and I'll likely buy another one in the future.

I dont know..............????????

Oh! My....!

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Jun 4, 2009
Proly doesen't matter, but I had a similar experience with a mountain bike I built. I did not like the stock exhaust, but my expansion chamber (not a SBP) would not run any better on that motor- ended up getting bored one day and chopped up a stock exhaust with plans to modify it, but just left it shorty straight pipe.
Wow! I got some great low end torque from that lil' motor after the change....

So- Yeah, I had a similar experience. But then again....I have learned to never follow, rather to try to find my own way. Common knowledge is not a book I normally read from.

-Just my experience-


May 15, 2010
On a bike
Well Ive run stock and two diffrent expansion chambers and both gave my engines much more bottom end over stock. I tuned the SBP expansion chamber for max bottom end torque and it did give my bike the most hill climbing power over any of the other pipes. Now that said Iam at over 8000 feet so that might change a thing or two lol.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
When you put on a expansion pipe, you'll have to change the jet again.
Also, the length of the header pipe will determine whether it will have 'bottom end' power or 'top end'.
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New Member
May 31, 2011
United States
I never said I was running a stock exhaust............and I have no idea what IOW means a little english here please

I said I ran an exhaust I made that pulled better on the hills than the expansion pipe does, the length of the expansion pipe is still as it came I never shortened it for fear of loosing my low end pulling power, like I said I'm NOT trouble shooting what I have...... I know what I have and how it works I'm just asking if others have had this same experience.

it seems no one is redaing and understanding what I ask and what this thread was started for.

I LIKE THE EXPANSION CHAMBER ON THE BIKE JUST FINE....... I just haven't seen any benefits to it over the exhaust I've made and put on my bikes like this one.....
Hi! just got my first bike running and i am wanting to make my own exhaust. how did you make that, what kind of pipe and other materials did you use? And I appologize if you have made a post about this. Please give me a link if you have thanks much!