please help.. locking screw is stuck..


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
my locking screw that is next to my flower nut is stuck and it will not come out.. i tried like ten different big and small screw drivers and started to strip it so i had to stop.. i need to adjust my flower nut or get new pads and without that screw coming off i can not get at the pads. my clutch slips while i ride like it is not fully engaging i think ... when i let my clutch handle all the way out..

when i let the clutch handle out to drive it.. i hear zzezzissp and then it sometimes catchs and stops but the fact it that it is making me go really slow .. like i have to peddle the bike faster just to get the thing to go quicker then the bike is is supposed to go.. my motor used to go so fast that no matter how quick i peddled it would not move the bike quicker then the engine was going... i need help and hints or tips on how to fix this problem.. have you ever had this problem before


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
You might try using the best fitting screwdriver then tapping on it with a hammer. Don't beat it to death just give it a few sharp raps with the hammer. Sometimes that will help break a seized thread. If that doesn't work you might have to resort to drilling the head off of the screw. If you have to do that then try to leave enough thread to grab with needle nose pliers or vice grips. A replacement screw shouldn't be hard to find at a good hardware or auto parts store. Good luck. Let us know how you do.


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Here is what you may try. I have used this method and it always worked, plus it will break down any loctite that may have been used. Take a soldering iron and heat it up as hot as you dare. Then place the end of the solding iron onto the screw's head. Hold it as long as you can transferring the heat into the screw. Wait awhile and then try it, as rough as you are permitted. If this not work, repeat the job again. If you heat it many times, you should be able to take it out with your finger nail. One thing I would replace the screw with a new one.


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
Bradenton, FL
I have always tried a few taps of a screw driver on one edge of the screw, going counter clockwise, if not then cutting a new slot to do the same. I've never heard of the soldering tip method, but I will try that on my next mishaps so thanx to you guys.


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
will try all those but now waiting on my new raw motor.. i get it this saturday.. hope they are a good company..then i will be able to devote time to this bike that is running like crap... just does not go as fast as it used to.. i gotta check the pads and post a pic... need some help.. does it matter alot that i ran about four or five tanks of gas without adding extra oil to the motor? maybe my rings are worn down cuz of that??? gotta try the compression tester...


New Member
Dec 26, 2010
Salem OR
I use the heat method with a tiny pencil torch to cook off the loktite or varnish, then I found I can use a small driver tip in my hand impact hammer. One or to taps and then the screw turns normally. But replace the screw and loktite if needed. I found that on carb screws a drop of the wife's nail polish makes a good varnish that is easy to break loose later if needed for adjustment.


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
no i mean i ran like five tanks of gas without adding oil at all... what could make it go slower??? i f my clutch pads are going would that do it? just doesnt sound like it is reaching high rpms like it used to .. will have to race it against my new one in a few days once i get it built up ...

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Seriously? You ran five tanks of straight gasoline?!? It is more than likely roasted...stick a fork in it to see if it is done, I suspect it is.


Chat Box Junkie
Nov 29, 2009
Shawnee, Kansas
You realize this is a 2 STROKE right? This means you need to mix oil and gas together, otherwise you don't have any lubrication. No wonder your engine isn't running right. You ruined it putting straight gas in there... I'm amazed you were able to make it 5 tanks. But you need a new engine. This time, mix the oil...something like 24:1 for break in and 32:1 or 40:1 afterwards.


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
haha i didnt ruin the engine... it is still running but want to check the clutch plate and see if i need new pads .. going through the snow at a really slow speed but super high rpms didnt help either... i already have a raw motor coming and a brand new bike.. get it this morning.. will race the two against each other to see how slow the old one really is going.... but it did lose power from the no oil thing.. these motors are so cheap i dont beating on them some... got a full year of transportation out of it for 220 bucks.. so i cant complain but you can bet that i am going to fix this old beat up motor back up... get better high rpm bearings and new clutch pads and tap the broken motor mount screw back out... have been riding with only the front motor mount for about five months..
yes i do drive it everysingle day.. and have had a wetlockz exhaust ran to it.. which is a box with a one way valve so the exhaust fumes go through the water to make it quieter.. only if i could design something like that for the intake noise... i need to get that quieter... any ideas?

gonna keep the new one clean.. and try not to beat wont be cheap or forget the oil on this one..


Apr 1, 2009
Towson Maryland
I'm sure we're all pretty sure that you don't have a clue about what you are
Anybody that would run a 2 stroke motor with no oil premixed in the gas and then bother to think that they will be adding performance parts to it afterwards
needs a lesson in thinking clearly. Especially 5 tanks of gas.
I'm not going to lecture you, but at the same time don't think you deserve help fixing something you more or less intentionally destroyed.
Good luck to you and I hope you don't work on your own car!


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
Birmingham, Al
This story is strange to say the least. A while back, I got cheap and switched from Red Line Synthetic oil to regular air cooled two stroke oil. Wiped the cylinder plating in one ride on my R460. I can't imagine a China Girl, run without any oil, not seizing solid.


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
i am sorry to tell you kerf but no i do not lie and what you guys are forgeting is that our tanks do not go completly empty when we fill them up.. yes even if you cant start the bike.. there is still gas in the tank. so i had some oil in the gas , the little bit that was left in the tank. but no i didnt add oil and yes i did it like that for two straight tanks. my bike is fine and runs ok. it has close to 1700 miles on it easily.

as far as it goes for timboeller... just because someone is careless does not mean they dont know what they are doing. i know what i am doing and the only reason i asked the question on here about the stuck screw is because it did happen to me and i had to go in the garage and get the tool. i did my first motor change in a car when i was thirteen . so yeah thanks for the input of your two cents.. which does not add up to anything with your negativity. sorry to inform you but if you dont have anything nice to say or to help out , then why bother on here? go take your wasted time else where. we dont need individuals like you roaming around here bored and looking for ways to be spiteful.
as far as intentionally destroyed, i did not. i did not have the money for the oil , or was not near somewhere to buy the oil, or the stores did not carry it in stock. who cares the reason? point is that i have ran these motors like that and it was from so i say they stand up to a pretty good beating. AND JUST SO YOU KNOW, EVERYONE ON HERE DESERVES HELP FIXING THEIR MB. that is another thing that makes us stand out as good people and not like the rest of the scum like all the other whatever clubs....
thats my take on it ...


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
Birmingham, Al
Never said you were telling a lie, just that the story was strange. If you didn't destroy that motor, you're very, very lucky.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Well that does it ,I'm not giong waste money putting oil in mine either,"not"!
.(I will still use oil,promise)


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
kingston ny
vista man i do know i need to add oil. i just was not able to at that moment . times were really tough for me at that point in life. we do what we can to get by. just so you guys know i have also ran crisco oil in it before... yes during a couple of those times that i did not have regular two stroke oil.. but i read online that old dirtbike racers used to use it.. unsure of the ratio mix though...