Trash can beats up Woman


Jan 31, 2008
Juneau, Ak
At least she isn't trying to sue anybody. Didn't realize being a klutz was somebody elses problem though. Funny, I don't have any energy, and I never lost a fight to a trashcan.....yet.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009

While it's tru I respect the fact that at least she's not trying to sue... what is with ppl insisting others compensate for their own lack of common sense - even a momentary lapse?

I mean, if (when) I'ma a dumb fool & fall down - I don't expect ppl to put up a huge sign saying "Warning, these patio steps may be hazardous to your health - please see instruction manual else bodily injury, even death may result" o_O

Sometimes we all have our Murphy Moments... why is it some need to parade a crusade? Heck... I kinda jus' hang my head in shame and "move along, nufin ta see here" lol

...BTW - HOW in blue blazes did she manage to get so pounded by a freakin' plastic trash can anyway? It's like she wasn't gonna take no guff and went back for round two, mebbe even three...
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Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.

While it's tru I respect the fact that at least she's not trying to sue... what is with ppl insisting others compensate for their own lack of common sense - even a momentary lapse?

I mean, if (when) I'ma a dumb fool & fall down - I don't expect ppl to put up a huge sign saying "Warning, these patio steps may be hazardous to your health - please see instruction manual else bodily injury, even death may result" o_O

Sometimes we all have our Murphy Moments... why is it some need to parade a crusade? Heck... I kinda jus' hang my head in shame and "move along, nufin ta see here" lol

...BTW - HOW in blue blazes did she manage to get so pounded by a freakin' plastic trash can anyway? It's like she wasn't gonna take no guff and went back for round two, mebbe even three...

I concur with everything you just said!

I think what happened is she stepped on the open lid (pinning it to the ground) & fell forward while holding the handle (which is also the hinge) & then got the front of the top lip of the can right in the face as she fell forward into it!! :( :(
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New Member
Jun 1, 2009
Right, that was exactly my thought. Really lady you'd think being a physician you'd have developed some inteligence. Just goes to show, no matter how hard they try common sense cannot be taught.