What's Your Best Method To Lock Up (Protect) Your Bike?



Apr 10, 2010
Heart of Illinois
Ok guys,

Over the years I have had 3 of my bicycles stolen. #1, '70's cable locked from a school bike rack. #2, stolen when leaned up against the house in a fenced in back yard. #3, out of my closed garage in the middle of the night.

I know nothing is perfect, but what are the best methods and brand of locks and protection?


Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
There isn't a lock in the world that a thief can't cut open with enough time & privacy!!!
Your best bet is to always lock it up in a visible high traffic area & keep it indoors at night! ;)


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
If you've ever seen any of the shows about bike messengers they carry more then one lock. Chain around object through frame and front wheel, chain around object though frame and back wheel and finally a hoop lock around object and though the seat post.

The best one I ever saw was on some honesty show. The ex-thief/security expert found a bike locked to a 4' tall post with a hoop lock though the frame. He picked up the bike, slipped the lock off the post and off he went. Of course they waited around for the owner to point out how stupid they were. laff


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
That is AWESOME!! Sick, but awesome! Heck, If I was a thief, I'd pass on that one!



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
If you are talking protecting Motorized Bikes you might like my new CDI Keyswitch gizmo.

It won't protect against someone picking up the bike and taking it, but it will keep anyone from being able to start it if the removable key is not turned to the ON position without replacing the whole CDI with a new one.

All I do for my little 10 minute stops is release the clutch lock, and turn off the carb gas and ignition keylock.

---- Sneak Peak at my Keyswitch Ignition Mod----

In short you can epoxy my keyswitch box to you CDI for a keylock, and get a much better and cleaner look and room to your build.

As you can see the wires to the motor are twice as long 18 gauge and shielded in actual black cable, not shrink warped.
For the throttle Kill Button you just cut it off where it gets to the keyswitch Mod and crimp on the included connectors and plug it in there.

Want to scope your magnetos Spark Pulse?
Unplug the kill button plugs and stick you AC probes in the sockets.

I only have a small production inventory of parts for 45 units and don't have my web site set up for it, hence the "sneak peak" disclaimer.

Just something to keep in mind for easy stuff with no hassle, and very effective against casual thief's and family members.

Sorry, I won't hijack your topic with this, I will be set and announce later this week but I just couldn't stop myself from breaking a sneak peak of my first production baby in a new security topic ;-}


New Member
Jun 2, 2009
Washington St.
I have one of those cable locks with a braided sheath around it to make it hard to cut. It works for a trip into the store. It didn't stop somebody from stealing my headlight the other day. Oh well I'll take the next one in with me. I lock it in a shed with a door alarm at night. If they want it bad enough they will get it. Real problem isn't the theives. It's the people out there that think it's ok to buy stolen stuff cause they didn't steal it. If there was no market to sell stolen stuff there would be very little theft.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
I have one of those cable locks with a braided sheath around it to make it hard to cut. It works for a trip into the store. It didn't stop somebody from stealing my headlight the other day. Oh well I'll take the next one in with me. I lock it in a shed with a door alarm at night. If they want it bad enough they will get it. Real problem isn't the theives. It's the people out there that think it's ok to buy stolen stuff cause they didn't steal it. If there was no market to sell stolen stuff there would be very little theft.
Good point as a mechanic people wold come by the shop with tools for sale. I would ask em if it was stolen and if the reaction was read right on there faces I will shame them too! O and not buy it. That's my thought there.

Multiple bike locks is best if it has to leave your sight. I like the dual tumbler keyed set ups best. There the hardest to pick.