New here - question about the kill switch wiring


New Member
Apr 3, 2010
Jacksonville, FL
I just got my bike running yesterday!! I had a little bit of confusion on the instructions and the wiring of the kill switch. I got it running, right now I have the yellow wire grounded to the frame and the black wire from the kill switch connected to the white wire on the motor. Apparently I thought I tried it in reverse order, black to the frame and yellow from kill to the white wire and it didn't start, but I may have not had a good ground at the time. Does it really matter which wire is grounded and which is connected to the motor white wire? The switch, is it open when not pushed or is it closed when not pushed. I am trying to get a handle on the wiring diagram for this. I am wondering if when you push the switch you are opening the circuit and that causes the motor to stop or are you closing the circuit and thus grounding the white wire which causes the motor to stop?

I have read that you can get power from the white wire, I will ask about that later, not to confuse myself anymore at this time.


Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Don't connect the kill button to the white wire! (It can sometimes short out the mag coil!)
Connect the kill wires to the blacks & blues, & cap off the white wire!!

*edit* It's also better to solder & heat shrink the wires together! (No plug ins) ;)
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