sprokets dont align



New Member
Nov 18, 2009
maui, hawaii
i just put my engine on a trek drifter frame. the rear sproket dosent line up with the engine sproket to well, it worked for a while, but today my chain shreded into 3 pieces and broke my pedal sproket off, now i need a new wheel. i have a spacer to move the rear sproket over, but then the coaster brake is in the way, should i try and move the motor or space out the rear sproket over and bend the coaster brake? thanks



Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
It appears from the photo that you have a dished rear sprocket. By dished I mean the teeth are offset to one side and it looks like you have the teeth on the outside. Could this be your misalignment problem? Look from the rear of the bike forward and sight along the chain path. If the rear sprocket looks like it is too far to the left then installing the sprocket the other way, with the teeth to the inside, might help. Just my observation from looking at your photo.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
What 2door says is true, you can flip the sprocket either way to get just enough tire clearance for the chain, & you can also bend the brake arm for extra clearance if you need to.
The two sprockets don't have to be perfectly in line with each other... I suspect your chain failure was probably from the rear sprocket not being perfectly straight & (or) the chain tensioner not feeding the chain straight onto the rear sprocket.
Also, for extra safety, screw the tensioner INTO the frame so it cant move side to side!!
Keep us posted!


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
maui, hawaii
just put my bike back together, seems to line up well now, but my chain tensioner is bent, i am going to order another one from bikeberry, along with a couple more motors for 2 schwinn occ choppers, thanks


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
maui, hawaii
not to much, we ground out the frame a little bit, where the wheel axle bolts onto the frame, this allowed us to align the sprokets a little better. shouldnt of had to do this, but it seemd to have helped. Tied a string to the sproket on the engine, used it as a guide with the sproket on the wheel, lookes like it is ligned up much better, but my chain tensioner is shot i need a new one before i take it for a ride again, i think my main problem was the chain was to tight to begin with. i put many miles on the bike with no problem, then my chain came off, when i put it back on i made it to tight and just created more problems, iI think it will deff work with a new tensioner if not back to the drawing board