I got the "look"...twice!



New Member
Jun 24, 2009
Davison, Mi
Went for a ride today. Rode about 9 miles. It was great! Found myself driving down the road laughing out loud. About a mile from home I saw a family sitting out on their porch. They saw me coming from a ways off. One guy held his arm up, as if to be ready to wave, while I was still a ways away. When I got closer I waved and the whole family waved back. A short ways farther and a man was talking outside his truck while parked along the road. I waved and he waved back. After I passed by I turn around to see him watching me as I went down the road. Ha ha!! :).duh.

Movie Mike

New Member
Jul 12, 2009
That's funny!

I rode a total of about 45 minutes yesterday. I think I had a 100% "look" rate. It was a nice day and many people were outside. I can't recall anyone who didn't "look."


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Everyone looks. Part of that is wearing a full motorcycle helmet on a bike though. :) I can be sitting at a crosswalk at a large intersection and everyone driving by has a good long look. I've been worried a few times that they are going to cause an accident trying to check out my bike.

Little girls usually laugh and giggle and point , teens-30's don't seem to get it here. any older and they want a ride. ;)
Boys of any age think its cool and if you slow down to talk to the really old boys, they'll tell you stories about doing the same thing with washing machine engines.



New Member
Jun 11, 2009
I've been riding electric bikes for years and got the occasional comments, especially passing another cyclist going up a hill, :D
I'm in need of a new battery pack so I went gas and just got my first 2-stroke from Chris Hill for half the cost of a new battery pack. (Well the new lithium-ion pack I wanted anyway.)
The other day I went to the hardware store on my new gas bike, and just as I got there a police van pulled up and the cop in the passenger seat commented, 'pretty fancy bike you got there' and they drove away. Someone else saw this and thought I was getting hassled and we had a long conversation about power bikes, maybe a new convert LOL.
On the weekend I drove by a house party with three, or so, motorcycles parked on the street with some guys with beers checking them out and as I came alone and one guy shouts out something to the effect of 'way to go buddy!'.
Power bikes are certainly a conversation starter.


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
i got the look twice just bringing my bike outside my front door.and probally another 50 omg looks in my 1 mile travel to the store and then once there another omg 20 looks or so. and then another 50 omg looks on the way home.


New Member
May 2, 2009
Tacoma Washington
i love all the attention!!!
you cant stop at a store without having a 1 or 2 people waiting by your bike to ask the usual questions. where how much how fast


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
spandex dude shouted "thats cheating" as I passed him this mornin' o_O

He seems to shout the same thing every morning... mebbe different guy, spandex ppl all look the same lol

I've had to start hiding my bike while I'm at work, the comments and offers are flattering - but I DO need to get something done...

If I get fired I'll never buy that disk brake kit heh

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
We get more looks & comments riding the motorbicycles than we do on the Harleys!!!
It's also sooo much more fun going "bar hopping" on the MBs at the beach!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Tampa Bay, FL
I love when we have our get togethers here in Tampa Bay. The St. Petersburg ride is awesome because we start on the Bay Side of St. Pete, and ride clear across to the Gulf side and down near the tip and back. The onlookers are everywhere. One time when we were nearing a draw bridge, a woman on a Harley was in the lane next to us, smiling and looking. The traffic slowed almost to a stop. she was still looking over just coasting at 5 mph with us. Our lane sped up so we went, and she hit the gas without looking and "WHOMP"!!! She screamed as she smacked into the back of a Porsche Carerra convertible and flipped over the handlebars into the passenger seat.

We just kept going....... :rolleyes:

Hey, how are the laws in CA for MB's?
Venice Beach, Santa Monica has got to be a very cool run.

We get more looks & comments riding the motorbicycles than we do on the Harleys!!!
It's also sooo much more fun going "bar hopping" on the MBs at the beach!!!