Build Off (Amateur)

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
Well I was reading about some of the past and presently proposed build offs, and started to think how fun it could be if EVERYONE could participate...newbees too... and the only rules would be something like a 400 dollar limit, done on the honor system, and no proffesionals, i.e. dealers, mfg's and the like or unlimited funds .....just anybody who likes to build but can't participate in the unlimited class so to speak..., would have to rely on creativity and their own fabrication and building skills.... what do you think? not thought it through really just seems there might be some interest.... David


Active Member
May 4, 2009
acme labs marion ohio
with a $400 limit you'll end up with a bunch of stock kit bikes. a build off should be to show case new ideas. the winners build should have something thats not been done before, a new way of doing things or a totally new look.

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
thats not what i am talking about cam, no offence, but the key words in my post are "amature" and Fun" anybody else that might be interested?...........oh, and you just might be suprised what some people can do with $400 dollars
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David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
ok scotto, now were talkin' ....were should we put the cap? $600 ? and should we have classes? like maybe best cruiser, best vintage, best rat ect.... best 2 stroke, best 4 stroke... i can just see some kid, well young man, winning class with nothing more than a set of harbor freight tools a chinese 2 stroke and alot of ambition,creativity, and pride...would just love to see it
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Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
This subject has been brought up a few times before... What's the point of a 'budget' or 'amature' bike building contest if all thats gonna come out of it is the same stuff that can be seen in the pics that are already posted???

& BTW... that first biker build off contest was the first time I had ever cut & welded a bike frame... (So I technically was a 'amature')... & that bike was built for about $500!! ;)
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David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
And just to re-emphasize the thought... the idea is not what you can "buy" but what you can "build" the idea was an even field for everyone....and anyone....

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
hi venice, not talking about whats been built, but rather whats going to be built....thinking there might be some new people to the MB world that would like to have some FUN....guess you are saying that is pointless huh? oh you asked what comes out of it? i guess nothing more than some fun.....but who knows......
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David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
maybe you could be a judge? you know alot about building and seem to have an eye for design and cool builds.... what about it?


Active Member
May 4, 2009
acme labs marion ohio
if there was to be a money cap on the builds you would need to have a claimer rule like in racing. any contestant could claim the winners bike for the cap amount. that would stop people from fudging the numbers, saying there $1500 bike cost $400 to build.

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
wow! positive input....let me regroup here a moment.... yea that would work...but my original idea was use the honor system, with judges like norm and maybe some elite members i think we would know who's cheating...anyway there is nothing more than bragging rights at stake... right?

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I'm not saying this to be a jerk or anything; but I honestly think you should just let the contest be open to anyone... If they don't have any money to spend & the skill & tools needed to produce something unique; they shouldn't try to enter a contest like this.
I'm not going to be in it. (but I'd love to see another good contest.) (^)
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David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
I dont think you sound like a jerk or anything, really i dont.... the idea ...and that was all it was... was to have something fun for begginers and people who clearly could not compete with the profesionals , nor could they afford gold plated hardware or a felt bicycle, ( or even a used one) ....really was thinking about the young man that bought a kit from me last night... so enthusiastic and full of ideas...he's going to build something, not sure what really.. but sure i will hear about it....but then i saw the post about this build off and thought , "you know, it might be fun for some of these guys to have a somewhat sanctioned format contest.... would cost people like you nothing... and help promote this really great M.B. hobby, sport, industry... whatever. .

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
Well yea alaska, could be... as long as there was a place for everyone that would be fine.... maybe someone with a little more time on here than me and some interest would like to organize one... when you think about it a build off that is open(by class ) to every member would be really nice..... i dont really know how to set that up , still fairly new here.....but would help if I could....


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
I was involved in the Rustoration buildoff last winter and had a lot of fun with it. It was limited to old bikes and was something that just kind of happened as there were three of us at the same time working on old bikes. It didn't start off as a contest and never was one. There was no 'winner' although I'd say we all three ended up with cool bikes, learned a lot and had a great time. In that sense we were all winners, with no hard feelings, a lot of mutual support and what has turned out to be lasting friendships. None of us had a lot of money, none of us had shops to work in or great tools.
I understand what you're saying about it not just being the best builders with big budgets making eye candy with apparent ease in great shops. On the other hand keeping it at the bottom of the money scale limits things a whole lot. I don't know how you do it to include everybody at any skill level with any budget. BarelyAwake, Bairdco and I already knew each other and had a common interest is rusty old cruisers. Anyway, if you can do it so that it is fun I think that's the main thing unless it is a competition of the best with a voted on 'winner'. I don't think the two mix. Good luck.

David D.

New Member
Sep 12, 2010
well thanks Dan, and SB..... will think on it some more and would welcome any ideas from anyone here.... well i am thinking there should be some level of Freindly competition.... some atta boy or something...but i certainly agree that everyone involved would be a winner. . . gotta go out to the garage and think about it.