2 the guy who is up his own

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New Member
Jul 21, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

It does seem that all the negative posts about MM keep getting deleted.
When someone makes a comment like "I hope you don't mind waiting 9 months to get your parts"; it's seen as a 'dig' against MM & deleted.

How are forum members suppossed to get lied to & ripped off by a vendor & still be nice to that person when posting about their experience with him??? (It's not possible.)

MM has a history of accepting peoples money, lying to them about the progress of their parts & NOT sending them the parts they paid for, & it's still going on because the negative stuff about him gets deleted.

I've asked some mods "What is a acceptable way to warn forum members about him?" & I'm still waiting for a response. :rolleyes:

But hey... All this negative talk about him is gonna get deleted too! :rolleyes:

No - all the negative posts about MM end up being a flamefest because folks can't seem to tell the difference between a report of poor service and petty insults.

No - there's a difference between "I hope you don't mind waiting 9 months to get your parts" and "The last time I ordered from him I had to wait 9 months" - it's a subtle difference to be sure (the former may or may not be true, the second is a simple fact), but add in the minor twist that no one could make a comment good or bad w/o another snide and very uninformative personal dig being posted and what you have is not a vendor review in the interest of protection - but a personal vendetta in the interest of creating strife... and that won't be tolerated.

You don't need to be "nice" - just not rude. It's actually not only possible, but fairly simple. "I didn't get my parts for nine months" is a statement of fact - "MM jerks people around and never delivers" is unsubstantiated slander.

I'm somewhat surprised that you feel the need to have this explained, a touch disappointed that you'd think we'd go out of our way to delete things simply because you don't think we agree with them... particularly as we have taken action to rectify this situation - as you well know.


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Dec 28, 2007
Duvall, WA PNW
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I think posts - good and bad - about suppliers should be fully allowed.

However for the customer here might be some good tips:

a) It's always (ALWAYS!!!!) best to contact that supplier first. Allow them to attempt full satisfaction. Every company makes a bone head mistake. We are all human. Get a dialog going, get the problem rectified. Comment good or bad after that.

b) Always READ the suppliers website info BEFORE ordering. Many times the information is right there.

c) Be 100% truthful, I know it will be from your viewpoint and that's fine. But don't exaggerate the problem, tack on extra time, etc.

d) Allow the supplier to respond. Then publicly as necessary.

e) Always supply every tidbit of technical detail possible in any exchange. Pictures, dimensions, etc

The supplier:

a) should respond as rapidly as humanly possible to any problem
b) see if that problem may affect other customers
c) always learn from the experience and take action to 100% preclude the problem from happening again.
d) treat the customer with complete respect and dignity. Listen, listen, listen. The customer couldn't give a rat's patootie if you are best expert designing engineer machinist PhD in the entire world if he doesn't have his parts or they don't work.

I'm sure there are other hints that can help the situation.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Jim still takes orders from at his shop... It's not all through Pirate!!! (that's BS)


So order through Pirate - or not.

We, the staff of motorbicycling.com DO NOT in any way endorse or promote ANY of the vendors or sponsors on this site - including you Venice. We can't possibly know the details of all those that would sell their products here, we rely on rational, comprehensive reviews by the customer base for even those vendors we'd purchase from ourselves.

As such - we have no vested interest in the success or failure of any business beyond that of our normal concern for our members, vendors are actually considered members BTW no more - no less.

At last report as far as I was aware of MM was limiting his retail business through Pirate - if he's changed his mind and/or still accepting custom orders, he's not been advertising it here - or I've missed it - and/or it was deleted because of drama.

Don't think for a second we'd sacrifice the integrity of this forum for any vendor. We enforce the forum rules for and against all - break those rules and we'll intercede, respect those rules and you're welcome. If posts got deleted - they were deleted because they broke the rules, plain and simple.

The rest is simply unfounded assumption.


Jul 17, 2008
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Wow. I'm a machinist and was thinking about making parts but now I'm kind of nervous about it. I suppose the only way I'm going to sell anything I make will be on Ebay or through a distributor. Ebay would be cheapest method for my customers because no middle man takng a cut but I'm not sure I even want to make stuff to sell now.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Wow. I'm a machinist and was thinking about making parts but now I'm kind of nervous about it. I suppose the only way I'm going to sell anything I make will be on Ebay or through a distributor. Ebay would be cheapest method for my customers because no middle man takng a cut but I'm not sure I even want to make stuff to sell now.
All you would have to do is simply send people the parts that they pay for in a timely manner, (& not lie to your customers about it), & you won't have all these problems!!

I really think we need someone else to make these parts to level the playing field! ;)


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

The biggest thing to remember is the old saying, the first person who looses it loses. I don't care who you are, what happened to you or how badly you were wronged, when you call someone out in a derogatory way you've already lost your case.

Case in point. Last night my family went to a restaurant and had a very enjoyable meal with great service. Now the table across from us was another story. All adults at one table and all kids (about 6) at another. For the most part the kids were pretty well behaved except for one who didn't like the food that her parents ordered. Waiter brought her out something else and the adults loudly complained about the wait. When the bill arrived the adults loudly pointed out all the "mistakes" on the bill to each other first, then the waiter and finally the manager.

Guess what, I really didn't care if they had good or bad service or if their bill was messed up. The way they handled it made them look like total jerks and THAT is what came across and it's pretty much the same with most vendor complaints here.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

is it possible for someone to get banned and the ban later be lifted?


Yes of course - "temp bans" (usually roughly three days) are sometimes used on forums to give people a second chance - a lil while to cool down and figure out what went wrong... we don't tend to utilize them here as we prefer a more direct & interactive an approach, usually we exchange PMs to try to figure out what the problem is... which is admittedly harder, but often effective. Temp bans I personally find to be unusually authoritative and not very effective at all... but sometimes it's all ya can do *shrug*

But... what on earth would we possibly ban you for man? I mean... if you've got homework or something ya need do and yer spending too much time here I suppose we could exile ya...

...but I say ta heck w/the chores or w/e - bikes rule :p


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Carlos CA
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Yes of course - "temp bans" (usually roughly three days) are sometimes used on forums to give people a second chance - a lil while to cool down and figure out what went wrong... we don't tend to utilize them here as we prefer a more direct & interactive an approach, usually we exchange PMs to try to figure out what the problem is... which is admittedly harder, but often effective. Temp bans I personally find to be unusually authoritative and not very effective.

But... what on earth would we possibly ban you for man? I mean... if you've got homework or something ya need do and yer spending too much time here I suppose we could exile ya...

...but I say ta heck w/the chores or w/e - bikes rule :p
i can claim i was banned... and lived to tell!laff


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
Orcutt CA
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Anybody else suprised that nobody in china hasnt ripped off MM's design, and started makin a cheap a$$ cast copy?

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I want to make this clear to all the forum members... I use to be a big supporter of Jim & his company.
I used to push his parts on my customers to help him sell his parts.
I also used to defend him when he got these angry posts about him.

That all ended after he screwed me over just like the other members who are complaining about him here!

He lied to me on the phone about the status of my parts, he over charged me $40 on my parts & he ended up costing me a few hundred dollars on a customers bike that he never made my part for!
When Jim failed to produce my custom part on schedule, I had to buy a shift kit & a front disc brake to finish the customers bike on time!


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I'm not against posts expressing negative experiences. I've been pretty supportive of Jim for the simple reason that my experiences with him have been good. Sure, I had to wait some, but I knew that was the situation when I ordered. He does custom work and the bigger orders come first. I can only report on my own experiences. Good products some of which are available nowhere else, more than fair prices and in my own experience good customer service. I'm not a fan and not a "cheerleader". Not into hero worship. I will say that Jim was one of the people who helped me out when I most needed it. As did a couple of you who are the most vocal as his critics. It pains me to hear the negative personal attacks as I consider all three of you my friends. Each of you has been kind to me, each of you has my respect. However, I wish this soap opera would end. Can we change the channel and get back to our normal programming? The criticisms have been posted many times. It has been said and heard. If there's something new to report, then do so, but why keep hashing over the same old? It sounds like an ongoing grudge and is pointless.


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Carlos CA
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I want to make this clear to all the forum members... I use to be a big supporter of Jim & his company.
I used to push his parts on my customers to help him sell his parts.
I also used to defend him when he got these angry posts about him.

That all ended after he screwed me over just like the other members who are complaining about him here!

He lied to me on the phone about the status of my parts, he over charged me $40 on my parts & he ended up costing me a few hundred dollars on a customers bike that he never made my part for!
When Jim failed to produce my custom part on schedule, I had to buy a shift kit & a front disc brake to finish the customers bike on time!
Wow. I guess i have not been paying close enough attention to what has been going on here.


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Carlos CA
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I'm not against posts expressing negative experiences. I've been pretty supportive of Jim for the simple reason that my experiences with him have been good. Sure, I had to wait some, but I knew that was the situation when I ordered. He does custom work and the bigger orders come first. I can only report on my own experiences. Good products some of which are available nowhere else, more than fair prices and in my own experience good customer service. I'm not a fan and not a "cheerleader". Not into hero worship. I will say that Jim was one of the people who helped me out when I most needed it. As did a couple of you who are the most vocal as his critics. It pains me to hear the negative personal attacks as I consider all three of you my friends. Each of you has been kind to me, each of you has my respect. However, I wish this soap opera would end. Can we change the channel and get back to our normal programming? The criticisms have been posted many times. It has been said and heard. If there's something new to report, then do so, but why keep hashing over the same old? It sounds like an ongoing grudge and is pointless.


Active Member
May 18, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
re: 2 the guy who is up his own


just to show there are 2 sides to every story,,,

I for one, had a very good experience with Jim !!!
he gave me some excellent advice and my adapter and sprocket (72t) were done quickly and recieved in less time than he thought they would be
an EZM customer of mine also ordered 2 sprockets (56t & 64t) and recieved them in a very timely manner

I understand being frustrated, but not all have had bad dealings with Jim

just my $.02 on the subject
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