new from Knoxville, TN


New Member
Dec 22, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Hey, my name's Dave. I'm an average 25 year old guy I guess. I'm into photography, music, skateboarding, computers, and my newest interest... motor bikes! I've been lurking this forum for the past month trying to get all the information I can before I go posting about my project.

My roommate and I decided we wanted to start a motor bicycle project after we watched a short documentary on mopeds. We both got fairly good deals on cruiser bikes off craigslist and decided to just go the whole 9 yards with repainting, restoring, and mounting kits and accessories. We're about a month into it so far. Here's some pics to show the progress on mine:

Before painting

After painting

After rebuilding

Tonight I noticed I'm going to need a U bolt to mount my engine on the front frame bar since it's too big around and I don't want to drill a hole through the frame. So that's my next obstacle. I'll probably order one along with a few extra things like a speedometer, headlight, and mirror.

I've been telling my roommate to sign up on here as well. His bike is looking pretty snazzy too.

Anyway, I guess that wraps it up. If anybody has any advice or suggestions, feel free to throw 'em my way! Thanks for all the help so far!
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Welcome to Dave so glad you joined us. Looks like you are off to a great start with a great looking cruiser...well done! Keep us posted on your build.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Hi Dave, I live in Oak Ridge. I lived in Knoxville before. Make sure to look up the laws for motorized bicycles before building. Tennessee has some of the strictest laws in the nation. The downtown bicycle cops will arrest you for operating an improper vehicle on a public road way if your bike doesn't comply with Tennessee laws. Since there are many steep hills in Knoxville you may want to build a motor driven cycle. There are lighting, braking, registration, insurance and motorcycle license requirements. However you can have up to 125 cc, 5 HP, multiple gears driven by the motor and a manual clutch.


New Member
Dec 11, 2012
Knoxville, TN
Hi PictureDave. Did you finish your bike and if so, when? Have you been riding around Knoxville? If so, have you had any issues with the cops here?


New Member
Dec 22, 2011
Knoxville, TN
I know this is an ancient thread but I'm digging it up just to respond. I finished my bike last year. It runs fine and I've taken it around a few times. I've never been pulled over or stopped by a cop

When I first built my bike I did a search on TN laws and I'm fairly certain it complies with them except for the 50cc part. It's 66cc but the only way you'd really know is by taking the whole motor apart and I've not even done that myself. I'll have to do some digging around to refresh my memory on the laws but I know I researched it thoroughly at the time.

I wrecked my bike one time on the way home from work due to a faulty (weak) front fender. Luckily there weren't cars racing all around me. I can't stress how important it is that you get high quality fenders (if you want them at all) and secure those suckers! Don't let them rattle around at all. Use some kinda rubber stripping to dampen the vibration and watch for cracking along where the connections are.

Here's a picture of my bike at about 95% complete.

Sorry I didn't see these posts so long ago. lol