Please take a look at this... what do you think?

kite surfer

New Member
Feb 19, 2016
Gulfport, MS
I don't normally call folks out on a bike build. But have a look at this ad on craigslist...

edit.... Craigslist post deleted. I grabbed screenshots before hand and can be found later in the thread

(am not omitting anything as this is a public post)

Tell me how many things you see that's just outright dangerous.
Plus read the description and point out issues you find in that also.

I'm tempted to send the guy an email, just to warn him he could possibly kill someone.
Last edited:


Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
Yeah, that's just ridiculous. What a schlock job too. It's this weeks (sic) "special" though!'s so poorly built, overpriced, and dangerous it boils my blood. "has been clocked at 52 MPH!!!"...sure it is...on what looks like an out-of-the-box engine, 52T drive-gear, and 26" wheels. I think that fuel-line "solution" is a fire-hazard waiting to happen...I could imagine the bike folding at-speed, the fuel-line being severed, and the resulting pile of hot-metal and ripped-flesh being covered with per-mix. I hope the buyer isn't a smoker.


Jul 20, 2015
southern wv
it's just so wrong, all over.
i didn't even notice the frame at first. my mind was just so busy looking at all the other stuff. and those claims. wow!

a real "OMG moment" if i have ever seen one...

possibly kill someone? if he's built more than one, we may be dealing with a serial killer.

kite surfer

New Member
Feb 19, 2016
Gulfport, MS
You did see the top support cut off to accommodate his motor on the frame? How about the chain tensioner? 52 Mph too... it wouldn't go that fast is you chucked it off a bridge!


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia
What a great idea to eliminate weight by removing half of the top tube. That must be the secret to getting 52 mph. Just imagine how fast it would go if you went a step further and drilled speed holes in every tube and fork!

And, it's guaranteed for life!

Seriously, these idiots should be reported to the authorities before some poor bugger goes for that top speed. At least it will likely disintegrate at 30 mph instead of the magic 52

So called builders like this will give us a black eye, and their customers broken limbs at best.



New Member
Aug 13, 2011
Eustis FL
"Guaranteed for the life" of the buyer, which from the looks of the hack job done to the frame isn't very long.

Either he left out a decimal point on the MPH claim, 5.2mph
MPH was a typo for MPG, 52mpg.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
"Guaranteed for the life" of the buyer, which from the looks of the hack job done to the frame isn't very long.

Either he left out a decimal point on the MPH claim, 5.2mph
MPH was a typo for MPG, 52mpg.
yep won't be a very long life


Jul 20, 2015
southern wv
Jeezus. I bet that thing has never been run.

Motor's cocked to one side, carb's cocked even farther, chain's loose and under the tensioner, ugh...

The zip tie rear fender is kinda cool, though.
i know, it's like an untrimmed messy little bow on top of frankenstein's monster. lol


Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Mpls Mn
I was surprised he didn't put the gas line on the other side so it can have support against the exhaust. This should be a sticky on how not to build a Motorized bike. Overlay nice green arrows to point to all the safety features this bike incorporates.
...U N B E L I E V A B L E...


Jul 20, 2015
southern wv
I was surprised he didn't put the gas line on the other side so it can have support against the exhaust. This should be a sticky on how not to build a Motorized bike. Overlay nice green arrows to point to all the safety features this bike incorporates.
...U N B E L I E V A B L E...
not a bad idea for a sticky.
if you do this... you WILL, most certainly, DIE!!!


Jul 20, 2015
southern wv
Made me think of this:

buggs bunny was tough as nails, i loved him when i was little. that little rabbit took out monsters, witches, an insane hunter with a shotgun, and a murderous black duck... among others... and he could do it in 30 minutes or less...

i bet he could build a much better bike than this guy did.
come to think of it, i bet any cartoon rabbit could do a better job.

Bruce Lee

New Member
Dec 13, 2010
You did see the top support cut off to accommodate his motor on the frame? How about the chain tensioner? 52 Mph too... it wouldn't go that fast is you chucked it off a bridge!
It could reach about 122 mph if the bridge was high enough. (32 ft per second per second)


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
And you want to know the sad part? He'll probably sell that thing to some poor shmuck and get his asking price.
Then the shmuck will get hurt, or worse, on it then some politician will try to get all motorized bicycles banned.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
Vancouver, British Columbia
I was serious when I said this builder should be reported to the authorities.

There's no way an idiot like this is going to accept friendly advice. Making some quick cash is his only concern. Let's say the kit cost at the most 150. the bike is obviously a throw away or maybe 20. plus his time. That's it. Zero consideration for end product quality or user safety.


Apr 1, 2009
Towson Maryland
I'm not around here very often but when I saw this atrocity I couldn't help but to respond to this ad. As a life long mechanic seeing "hack job" workmanship on anything gets me fired up.
Here's my e mail to the advertiser:

Your bike was brought to my attention in a post on a worldwide motorized bicycling forum.
A good deal of discussion has taken place concerning several disturbing issues that forum members have observed and responded to from the pictures in the ad.
As a motorized bicycle builder and bicycle mechanic myself for over 7 years I have experienced first hand the pitfalls of a motorized bike built with unsafe practices.
Your bike exemplifies many of them and poses a real threat to anyone who will buy this and ride it. It shows your lack of concern for workmanship and more importantly rider safety. Obviously you don't care or know better. If this is a company you are involved with your reputation and legal responsibilities are in jeopardy.

1) First and foremost. You have cut the top tube to fit the engine. You have virtually destroyed the structural integrity of the frame. Where the downtube meets the seat tube at the bottom bracket the welds WILL snap and this bike will fold in half, more than likely very soon after hitting a bump. Very unwise and dangerous decision.

2 )Fuel line is dangerous and a fire hazard dangling in space.

3) Carburetor mounted twisted. Float bowls don't operate correctly on an angle.

4) Chain runs on the wrong side of the pulley on the chain tensioner, also chain is loose
5) Claiming it will go 52mph is highly exaggerated unless you are rolling down a mountainside.
Only a highly modified bike will get into the 40's, and only the best of the best racing bikes will attempt the 50mph speeds.
6) A quick check of Mississippi Laws on motorized bikes states that a "toy vehicle" may not be ridden on any public roads;

What are requirements for a motorized bi
cycle or scooter to be registered?
A motorized bicycle manufactured 1980
and following must have a seventeen
(17) digit VIN conforming to the National Highway and Traffic Safety
Administration requirements. There must
be a decal or plate attached with a
statement that the motorized bicycle meets the Federal Safety Standards. If the
motorized bicycle does not meet these requirements, it is considered a “toy
vehicle.” A toy vehicle may not be titled or registered in Mississippi and may not
be operated on public roadways within this state.

Putting a life time guarantee on that bike is a liability for you. Consider learning about what it takes to build something safe and reliable before you send someone to the hospital on trash like that. When someone gets hurt and it brings attention to media and legislators it will give them one more reason to ban them for good.
The best thing you could do is break it in yourself and work out the bugs before sending some unsuspecting buyer out on it and get really pissed or worse yet really hurt.
Best Regards

It probably won't do anything but at least I've said what needs to be said.