becoming worried


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
back yard BBQ is now against the law in places around here - pollution law rather than fire law


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I'll give up my charcoal grill when they pry it out of my cold dead hands!!!

When charcoal grills are outlawed, only outlaws will have decent steaks!!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
I'll give up my charcoal grill when they pry it out of my cold dead hands!!!

When charcoal grills are outlawed, only outlaws will have decent steaks!!!

A lot of talk lately about how the top chefs like to cook their steaks in a iron skillet on a stove top.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Steaks cooked on a gas grill taste like they were cooked over the exhaust stack of a diesel truck.
My Mom used to pan fry steaks in an iron skillet. I have never tried it but I remember the flavor of those fatty browned edges. Greasy and tasty. But wouldn't the meat need to be thinner than what you'd do on a grill?

Now if this isn't a high-jacked thread, nothing is.



Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
And I'll hijack the thread a bit more.

I just love a good steak. Of course. Who doesn't? But it no longer matters to me just how it's cooked.

I have a long history of being one of the world's great eaters. And I actually can still stuff my belly with a pretty amazing amount of food. Yet I've found that I pretty much have to stop it.

Since having reached a state of advanced youth I've discovered that it's just not worth it. It holds me down. And not in any obvious way. It's not like I'll fall asleep or a can't get myself to move. Nothing like that. I guess the best way to put it is that I feel kinda uncomfortable for some time. And if I eat a lot the next day, then that feeling becomes continuous.

So now I eat a lot of ramen. Lunch is often a thin bologna sandwich and a sack of Ruffles or Cheetohs.

The cashiers at the local grocery probably feel real sorry for me. Thinking that I'm dirt poor with my ratty pickup truck, apparently home-made 'motorcycle' and cheap diet.

But that doesn't matter nearly as much as the fact that I really still would like to eat a burrito as large as a loaf of bread. Or seven slices of pizza. Or a gallon of sphaggetti plus a loaf of garlic bread. To make it worse, I can still do it. It's just not worth it. So I have to put up with the tension between the temptation on one hand and my better judgement on the other.

I have a gift certificate right now for a local steakhouse. Dinner for two. This is the sort of place where I could eat a meal that would total $100. I'm actually hesitant to go through with it. I've been pondering just eating the steak and the appetizer and leaving the potato and the salad and such. But that seems kinda lame. And wasteful.

It's available to me. Yet I just don't really want to do it. It's surreal.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Who doesn't love a good BBQ! Just don't like the smoke going right at my face and apt doors and windows. But I'm getting to old to eat steak much anymore. Yeah it sucks.
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Nov 8, 2008
Midcoast Maine
Sort of off thread. Recently we had yet another stupid tax law passed.

Get this, if you have your dogs toenails clipped, they will charge sales tax. Gotta love the Great State o'Maine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Sort of off thread. Recently we had yet another stupid tax law passed.

Get this, if you have your dogs toenails clipped, they will charge sales tax. Gotta love the Great State o'Maine.
Sales tax is the only fair tax. Imagine if we only has a sales tax on everything.. A nice low flat tax on all goods and services. No progressive income tax, business tax, property tax... The economy would flourish and the USA would be the most attractive country to do business in. The government would make more money too.

Wealth isn't about taking from the rich and giving to the poor.. It's about a system where everybody can be wealthy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
so folks that have to spend every cent they make just to survive, must pay tax on every cent they have, while the wealthy, who can live by spending less than 1% of their earnings, only get taxed on that 1%

in what world does that sound fair?


Nov 8, 2008
Midcoast Maine
Hey 2door, I too have been a member since 2008, have followed this site almost exclsivley, since I joined. It's amazing what posters come up with, and the obtuse tangents as well.

You have to seoerate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

This site is my go to for facts and as well a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
back to the thread:

my DRs were unable to place any stents in my heart this week, so in coming months I'll need open heart bypasses - might not be able to lift & stack 50lb boxes after that for a while, so am ordering the last 55 80cc kits my supplier has in country

He also has almost 100 49cc kits, but it's too hilly here to bother with them : (


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Taxes? Welcome to Canada. Nothing like paying taxes on the money you've already payed income tax on.

When I have something shipped into Canada the limit is $20 before I have to pay taxes on it. In the U.S. the limit is $800.

It doesn't always pay to be Canadian but it @&%$*(@ well always costs you.

And no, the medical isn't free.



Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
so folks that have to spend every cent they make just to survive, must pay tax on every cent they have, while the wealthy, who can live by spending less than 1% of their earnings, only get taxed on that 1%

in what world does that sound fair?
How many people do you know personally, or even know of, spend less than 1% of their earnings? Do you really think rich people do that? Make money just be watch their accounts grow? They take this money and invest it or start a new business. When they start a new business they need employees. These employees get paid money. When you tax rich people who employ others, you make it hard for them to continue to employ people so they must lay them off or reduce their pay. So in the end, it's the same poor people who voted for taxing the rich who give them their jobs, who get shafted.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you." The rich people in this country are the ones that provide jobs to the rest of us (for most of us).

If you punish people for working harder more and more, eventually they will leave, and all those poor people won't have anybody to give them a job. Read Atlas Shrugged to get an idea of this on a bigger scale. Obama's policies have already caused employers to lay people off because it's become too expensive for them to hire people or keep them on full-time. Businesses are already leaving CA because of its tough policies.

I think a fair tax is a flat rate for each person over 18. $1000 per year.

BTW 2-stroke engine kits as stock with the manual clutches are illegal in CA.. they need to be automatics..
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