new motor will not start at all


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Well I finally got finished putting the motor kit on my bike and hooked it all up fuel lines cdi spark plug it has spark and compression the readings for the cdi dont seem to match the readings on here that I found im getting 40 -50 on blue and black wire and also on the spark plug wire and blue wire also 40 to 50 but I am getting a good spark dont know if the cdi can be bad and still get a good spark I dont see how that would work it has compression if I push it with clutch out I can hear it pumping and it has resistance against me pushing it with the plug in it seems to be getting fuel but I dont know how to tell if it is getting enough In the cylinder head or not I know the carb has fuel in it I took the drain screw out I the bottom of carb and a bunch of fuel poured out so I have no clue what else to do please help me with all options please thank you very much


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
I have tried that looked through everything cannot seem to get it to start its a brand new kit and just don't get it my plug smells like fuel and it smells like fuel in cylinder but the plug is not wet when I pull it out should it be like wet to the touch and if so how do I fix the problem of not getting enough fuel into the cylinder help please and anything else you think it could be throw at me and I will try it tomorrow and let you know if it works


Active Member
Jan 21, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Try moving the clip on the carb needle up a notch, and then another, and another if it doesn't start. That's what I had to do. The chinese 2 strokes sometimes are set to run so rich that they flood instantly.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Thank you I will try that tomorrow but how do I unflood the motor if its flooded and wouldn't the plug be wet still if its getting to much fuel the plug just smells like fuel but isn't wet so is fuel even getting in the cylinder


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
if you put the choke on & plug isn't wet - then you either have a bad air leak at the intake or your clutch is slipping so motor doesn't turn fast enough to draw fuel

other weird things could happen, but these are the 2 most common


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
I dont think it is the intake cause I replaced the stock one cause it snapped off I got the bbr machined intake and it has an oring to seal the carb off so there is no Air leaks and the manifold is tight against so I dont think it is that so how would I go about tightening the clutch so I dont slip and now that you say that when I not moving really quick it is trying to turn over but when I get up to speed it dont sound like it is really trying to turn over to hard so that could very well be the clutch but do they come loose from the factory


Active Member
Jan 21, 2015
Portland, Oregon
You have to sort of fiddle with the clutch yourself. To determine if it's the clutch, you could try setting it deliberately too tight and just deliberately stall it with the brakes or kill switch if it does start, and then adjust accordingly. And about the engine flooding, just wait 5 minutes before you try to start it again if it's flooded.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Don't mess with the clutch.
You can clear a flooded engine by removing the plug and turning the engine over a few times.

THEN- check for spark. You may need a helper. While the plug is out, press it on the head, with the wire attached, sin the back wheel- does it have spark?

If it does, put a gas mixture in the plug hole, and try to start it with NO choke at first, slowly adding choke as you pedal. Contrary to popular belief, two strokes are pretty hard to flood, especially compared to a 4 stroke.

If that fails, and you are SURE there are no air leaks, it could be ignition related, though if you have sparks, you have sparks.

Try a NEW plug, and be sure you are using a 32:1 mixture at the most, not 16:1, 24:1, ect .

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Btw- if you have the clutch cable adjusted so its just a fraction of an inch of free play, its fine. If the clutch were the problem, when you dropped it to start the engine, the slipping would be obvious. Either the engine wouldn't turn at all, (never seen it) or it would slip a bit, then catch.

Let's get this thing running before you play around with stuff you don't need to muck up.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Could the clutch cable be too tight it dont have free play I pulled the cable and pushed the arm back so there was no play in the arm at all and it dont sound like the motor I really trying to hard thats why I believe it may be the clutch and I bought a brand new spark plug its an ngk b6hs and I have a 16:1 ratio in I because I want it to break in right and not muff up the piston or rings I dont think the clutch is grabbing enough to pull fuel into the motor because the plug is not wet it just smells of fuel a little

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
You can always loosen the ferrule where the cable goes thru the arm to get a bit of free play.

As for the mix, 16:1 is just waaay too much oil! 24:1 if you insist, but 32:1 is fine for break-in.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Ok and they say not to break it in with a 32:1 mix that its not enough oil thats what your supposed to run it at after its broken in but I will try it have you broken motors in at 32:1 and had them last for thousands of miles?


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
I had a friend that moved away out of state but he built one about a year ago and he used the 16:1 to break his in and he had over 4500 miles on his bike when he moved and its still ran great but I dont know I'm no expert with these things I just want mine to run darn it its starting to upset me


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2012
thread seems to be running away from the problem - a noob can easily not recognize a slipping clutch

search on the board for step-by-step on how to adjust

cable, flower nut, cable again


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
I've had this problem before and it was the magnet it was on upside down all I did was switch the wires around black to blue and blue to black and it fired right up.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
How is it running away from the problem that dont make sense and I've checked just about everything in just looking for what others think to try next and if I haven't tried it I will consider it the motor wants to turn over I I'm pushing it but it don't seem to want to try to turn over at all when I'm riding it down the hill and let the clutch out all I can hear is chain noise but I hear no motor at all and I feel like I should hear it pumping or something that why I dont know what would cause that I its the clutch if I have cable to tight arm pulled to tight towards gas or if its the actual clutch itself or if its not even that and I dont know if i should do what the last guy said and try switching the wires how would I know If the magnet is backwards before switching wires thank you everyone and please dont be rude I just want to figure this out and would appreciate help not rude comments thank you again


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
It wouldn't spark I the magnet was backwards would it it has plenty of spark good compression and fuel I in the carb I just dont think it is pulling fuel in the carb