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New Member
May 4, 2015
I have acted like a major tool to a lot of people here, members as well as staff. I'm 32 years old, and I still very much need to grow up. A certain member sent me a private message that contained veiled threats, and that person is excluded from this apology. That person threatened me and I'm not sorry to them. Im also not sorry to the person who tried to fat shame me because that was uncalled for and out of line and there was never any reason to bring my weight into the discussion.To everyone else, all staff and members that I have personally insulted or disrespected, I apologize sincerely. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in life and grow the heck up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
To be honest, I could not find the block button and have had to mentally block you. I'm the so-called fat shamer. Not a shamer at all, in fact I was fat once (230 in 2004, now 170 after drugs and cigarettes). I guessed you were fat because of one a-hole I knew, that I was sure you were one and the same with, guy had an rx8 he could not smog and shamed my brand new car for having a "girly" color.... Which I think is the sexiest color of all time (subaru sage green). You have to stop looking for the shortcomings of man and read through the details. If somebody quoted you wrong, like they did one time when they meant to quote me, you leave it. You don't need to point out every mistake. You need to look for the great in peoples achievements. That's all really. The only reason I said you're fat... Well cause of that one fat guy... And all the a holes that treated me like crap when I worked in the service industry (bicycle taxi) and learned how to build extremely strong wheels in San Diego.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Honestly dude who gives a crap about the people you deal with on this forum. They will all get over it. If you think of it as a video game here it will only help you deal with those you really love. Go home and show your wife the appreciation she wants. Behind every great man is a great woman, who was greatly appreciated by her man. Show her how much she means to you. Go down on her like she's Nina Hartley... Er you know what I mean... Mods gonna delete this anyway...


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
I have acted like a major tool to a lot of people here, members as well as staff. I'm 32 years old, and I still very much need to grow up. A certain member sent me a private message that contained veiled threats, and that person is excluded from this apology. That person threatened me and I'm not sorry to them. Im also not sorry to the person who tried to fat shame me because that was uncalled for and out of line and there was never any reason to bring my weight into the discussion.To everyone else, all staff and members that I have personally insulted or disrespected, I apologize sincerely. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in life and grow the heck up.
And in reference to your sig... Smiling takes a lot of muscles... I smile for my family... But for all on the outside I give the wolf grin... Just imagine hank moody when he sees a female specimen he likes... That look is all they get laff


Active Member
Nov 17, 2012
I have acted like a major tool to a lot of people here, members as well as staff. I'm 32 years old, and I still very much need to grow up. A certain member sent me a private message that contained veiled threats, and that person is excluded from this apology. That person threatened me and I'm not sorry to them. Im also not sorry to the person who tried to fat shame me because that was uncalled for and out of line and there was never any reason to bring my weight into the discussion.To everyone else, all staff and members that I have personally insulted or disrespected, I apologize sincerely. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf in life and grow the heck up.[/
Good job dtv. .shft.


$50 Cruiser
Jan 17, 2013
Where cattle outnumber people 3 to 1.
Good day all.

My initial reaction to this thread was to not engage this individual. After some thought though, I've decided to post the private message in question. (It was concerning the use of the confederate flag as an avitar.)
I am, you see, the person excluded from this apology.
Those of you who have shared discussion with me are likely aware that I am not a bully, nor do I threaten others.
I leave it to my fellow members to decide.

dtv5403- It's at least a start that you have apologized to most of the members of this forum. You have, in fact, "acted like a major tool".
If you believe that you have growing up to do, make a conscious effort to mature. It will benefit you greatly.
Observation would have made obvious to you that this site is not a place that type of behavior is tolerated. The moderators here do a fine job of controlling the content posted, and we are all grateful.

My private message to dtv5403 for consideration;


Thank you for your time.



May 25, 2008
Clashes with this many people and personalities are inevitable. Cudos to you DTV and all for trying air and let 'em go.

Most especially in text only, things can get heated faster than they should.


New Member
May 4, 2015
Good day all.

My initial reaction to this thread was to not engage this individual. After some thought though, I've decided to post the private message in question. (It was concerning the use of the confederate flag as an avitar.)
I am, you see, the person excluded from this apology.
Those of you who have shared discussion with me are likely aware that I am not a bully, nor do I threaten others.
I leave it to my fellow members to decide.

dtv5403- It's at least a start that you have apologized to most of the members of this forum. You have, in fact, "acted like a major tool".
If you believe that you have growing up to do, make a conscious effort to mature. It will benefit you greatly.
Observation would have made obvious to you that this site is not a place that type of behavior is tolerated. The moderators here do a fine job of controlling the content posted, and we are all grateful.

My private message to dtv5403 for consideration;


Thank you for your time.

I'm still not sorry to you, I'm not sorry for flying my flag, and nothing I did here today was for you, nor will it ever be. I'm unconcerned with others opinion of the situation between you and I. There are many things I can say here, but I will leave it by saying I feel no obligation to have any respect for your opinion and you are still excluded from this apology and will be forevermore. I'm not sorry to you and never will be. If my flag offends you, you need a history lesson. Should you have any further thoughts on the subject, refer to my avatar and my signature.
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New Member
May 4, 2015
I also did not name any names, you all pointed yourselves out and I take no responsibility for that. Could have just let it be cause no one else cares who I was referring to.


New Member
May 4, 2015
Honestly dude who gives a crap about the people you deal with on this forum. They will all get over it. If you think of it as a video game here it will only help you deal with those you really love. Go home and show your wife the appreciation she wants. Behind every great man is a great woman, who was greatly appreciated by her man. Show her how much she means to you. Go down on her like she's Nina Hartley... Er you know what I mean... Mods gonna delete this anyway...
I have no idea who Nina Hartley is, as far as the rest of that comment goes there are certainly no problems there and that's all I'm going to say. I'm going to let the whole fat thing go because you obviously don't understand how I feel about it. The words fat, stupid and ugly really get my Irish up. They are just as offensive and hateful to me as racial slurs, perhaps even more so because being called a cracker doesn't bother me in the slightest. The thing of it is, how I act on this forum is really a reflection of my general attitude in life, and it needs to change badly, not necessarily for the sake of the people here, but for my wife and my family. I truly do not care what people think about me, if you like me that's cool and if you don't I've never considered that to be my problem and probably never will because I don't like society or people in general very much and probably never will so why should I care what they think of me? But the thing is, what I really do care probably way too much about is how people express those opinions to me. And I'm guilty of expressing my opinions in the same manner that I despise them being expressed to me, so I'm a hypocrite as well. But I want to change, really not for anyone else's sake so much as my own. I'm tired of getting angry and upset at everything that other people say and do. It stresses me out a lot, all the time. I apologized for my actions because I feel that publicly recognizing my mistakes is a step on the road to maturity. I'm trying to train myself to ignore things people do that I don't like, and stop criticizing everything, which I admit I do a lot. But I also hate it when others criticize me. For example and not to stir things up, but when you criticized my wheels for their weight but when in another thread where a guy built a Briggs bike with almost the exact same wheels, you said nothing and that highly irked me. And I'm not pointing that out to start an argument. I'm simply stating how I felt at the time and why I felt that some of your comments and unsolicited advice made me feel like you were singling me out. And I'm not saying any of this disrespectfully. Despite all of that, I actually respect a lot of the comments you've made in this thread. Perhaps if the staff here ever decides to give me a second chance and lift my chat ban, you and I will come to respect each other more, at least that is my hope.
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