Reasons for riding Motorized Bicycle


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
Re: Reasons for riding MB

Because my truck can pass anything on the road except a gas station........... Oh wait My truck doesn't pass anything including a gas station....... And the looks, the comments, good or bad, the questions, the " that is sooo cooooool " the freedom, the relaxation, the dog on Lost Arrow Road chasing after me, the quiet buzz of my GX35, pullin one over on oil companies, the two sure fire smells of summer, fresh cut grass and cow ****. All at a blazingly slow and comfortable 20 something miles an hour. What did I leave out ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Re: Reasons for riding MB

The beer store is over 2 miles from my trailer park. After getting arrested for drunk driving for the umteenth time I decided I needed an alternative form of transportation, especially since they took my license, insurance, and pickup truck away from me for life. That's going to be a long time since I'm only 22 and a half years old. Anyway back to the point, the other day I overheard some other drunks in the holding tank talking about riding motor bicycles to get their booze, and how you don't even need a license to ride with a sack of 40s. I knew right then that motor bicycles were for me. As soon as I get my next government disability check I'm going to buy a used motor bicycle, a 4 stroke, so I can stop having to walk to the beer store all the time. I'm looking forward to getting drunk, and maybe riding with you all sometime. Cheers!!


Apr 15, 2013
Bailieboro, Ontario
Re: Reasons for riding MB

I bought mine for small shopping trips into town rather than take the car. As long as it isn't something that needs refriderated and isn't large and heavy.

Plus, I've been out picking up beer cans, bottles and liquor bottles in the neighourhood and beyond. Cans and bottles are $.10 each, liquor $.10-$.20 depending on size. So far this year since the spring, I've collected approximately $125 worth. That almost covers the cost of the engine.
I used to do a lot of bike riding when I was young, picking up cans and bottles back in the days. In a year I'd pedal about 2500 km's. Well...I thought I'd get back into it. But with a motor this time. LOL!


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
Lexington, KY
Re: Reasons for riding MB

The beer store is over 2 miles from my trailer park. After getting arrested for drunk driving for the umteenth time I decided I needed an alternative form of transportation, especially since they took my license, insurance, and pickup truck away from me for life. That's going to be a long time since I'm only 22 and a half years old. Anyway back to the point, the other day I overheard some other drunks in the holding tank talking about riding motor bicycles to get their booze, and how you don't even need a license to ride with a sack of 40s. I knew right then that motor bicycles were for me. As soon as I get my next government disability check I'm going to buy a used motor bicycle, a 4 stroke, so I can stop having to walk to the beer store all the time. I'm looking forward to getting drunk, and maybe riding with you all sometime. Cheers!!
LOL, this is hilarious but I think someone might have hijacked your account Biknut!! hahah


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
Re: Reasons for riding MB

Gas today is $1.497 per liter, or $5.66 per US gallon in Vancouver.
Those prices look like a bargain compared to the UK and the rest of Europe. LOL

Canada has the largest deposits of Oil Sands on the planet. Gas should be almost as cheap as water there. I don't get it.
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New Member
Feb 24, 2013
Re: Reasons for riding MB

The beer store is over 2 miles from my trailer park. After getting arrested for drunk driving for the umteenth time I decided I needed an alternative form of transportation, especially since they took my license, insurance, and pickup truck away from me for life. That's going to be a long time since I'm only 22 and a half years old. Anyway back to the point, the other day I overheard some other drunks in the holding tank talking about riding motor bicycles to get their booze, and how you don't even need a license to ride with a sack of 40s. I knew right then that motor bicycles were for me. As soon as I get my next government disability check I'm going to buy a used motor bicycle, a 4 stroke, so I can stop having to walk to the beer store all the time. I'm looking forward to getting drunk, and maybe riding with you all sometime. Cheers!!
Whoa I lol'd at that one. But seriously I keep the 40's in my back-pack, not the plastic bag it throws off the bikes balance.


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
Lexington, KY
Whoa I lol'd at that one. But seriously I keep the 40's in my back-pack, not the plastic bag it throws off the bikes balance.
The backpack idea is a good one. Also, use a larger sprocket when hauling 40's back to the roost because they're heavy. A 48 tooth does the trick.. Slow, yes but you won't have to pedal very much, even with the load and hills..
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New Member
Aug 9, 2008
I got into it because I love two wheel transportation of any kind. A motor just makes it more fun.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2011
Puerto Rico
The feeling is closer to a motorcycle but for the price of one of its parts, and as mentioned before fredom.
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Feb 1, 2010
Uhh well... cuz it's easier than walking.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
Those prices look like a bargain compared to the UK and the rest of Europe. LOL

Canada has the largest deposits of Oil Sands on the planet. Gas should be almost as cheap as water there. I don't get it.
I know. Part of the problem is that here in the 'lower mainland' in addition to the other taxes on fuel we get to pay close to 50¢/l to support the mass transit system.
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Feb 1, 2010
Nothing wrong with mass transit. If I were to drive from my home
to Neah Bay, I'd use $60 in gas. On the bus, with my bike in the rack,
$4.50. That's a helluva saving, even cheaper than my 160mpg bike.
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
I wasn't saying there's a problem with it, I was just saying almost a third of the cost per liter goes to fund it here. Unfortunately they don't like powered bikes (either kind) on the racks on our busses. The only time I've had to go that route since motorizing I had to tell them the tank was empty.

Anyway, back on topic.. Another reason..If I take the bus, it's a 45 minute trip to work. With the car it's about 20. On the bike it's less than 15. On the way home (in the same order) it can be an hour, 45 mins, or 11 minutes flat on the Beast.
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Feb 1, 2010
I didn't think you were coming down on buses, just stating fact.
Down here in Washington state we also pay one of the highest gas
taxes in the states. Still, I've been in B.C.;I'm well aware of how
they stick it to ya, and not just on gas. I count myself lucky that
at least I'm not getting gouged as bad as you.
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