

New Member
Sep 25, 2010
park ridge, IL
hi my name is rich
anyone building and selling these motor bicycles ,looking to get into building and selling these
wondering how these motor bikes are selling
do to the gas prices seem like they would do well
thanks everyone
looking to get some feed back
and what is most reliable engine out thier
want a good quality engine for the bikes
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
well, smallenginepower

Get you something cold to drink and get your reading pants on and just get busyright here on this forum and all your questions will be answered, first off as you should be able to tell most of us are running one of two engines here or some both, the "HT" "China Girl" 49cc or 66cc/80 2 smoker kit or the 49cc OHV 4 stroke honda clone engine.

My suggestion to ya would be buy a couple of kits build you a couple bikes work out all the issues, learn from the fella's here who know a butt load about these engines and the problems that arise in building these bikes learn all the mods & fixes first hand and then you will know which suits you best and even if this is something you want to pursue further, your question can actually only be answered by you, we all have our own likes and dislikes here and each one can be justified in our own minds 100% but you will have to do some leg work yourself to answer the questions you ask in my opinion, these kits aint plug & play by any means and without first hand experience you would be in a big wreck real quick trying to build and market these kits on a bike.

Just my 2 cents here nothing more nothing less.........!

get a bike.........get a kit........polish up your mechanical skills........polish up your patients........and get ready for soem learning and some fun!


Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I concur with the above advice... Build a few bikes first to learn all about them.
There are 1000's of guys out there trying to do this for extra money; & there's nothing worse than having a reputation for selling bikes that have problems & break down constantly.


New Member
Nov 18, 2010
If you want to sell kits, first buy a kit. Build it. Ride it. Fix all the little problems that they all have. Then when someone asks you "How much and where?" tell them this much and me. If you know nothing about MB's you really dont want to sell them untill you learn. You will have an angry mob of people hounding you all day saying this broke and why wont you fix it for free, probably losing money, and/or respect.


New Member
Jan 19, 2011
people do love motorized bikes. and yes, it could be a good way to make a few bucks. alot of people want a motorized bike, but cant or dont know where to get one. but not if you know nothing about them.

people see me zipping around and having a blast. and they want that feeling to i guess? but whet they dont see is the many hours of work going into my bike. and all the thought put into fixing things when they go wrong.. china two stroke motor kits are cheep for a reason!!

some people dont have the info or tools they need to work on and keep these motor running. and will look to you for that being the bike builder. and if you dont know anything about them, they have a pile of useless parts on there bike. and a mad bike owner id think.

i see this as a DIY kind of hobby for the most part. i mean people do buy them built already. but they will need worked on from time to time to time ect. and if you cant do it yourself and your not going to be on the road long.. or you will make a bike shop


New Member
Sep 25, 2010
park ridge, IL
thanks guys just picking some brains
yea that's what i thought why would buy a motor bike when you could buy a motor cycle
been following these motor bikes things for awhile doing some research and
i know these engines kits just don't go right in
i got a automotive back ground been to mechanic school and had motorcycles
building these motorized bicycles would no biggie
probly better off building real board track racers or motorcycles
thanks for the feed back


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Build one and take it down to the D.U.I. school. Park it with a big sign that says, "No drivers license needed" and you'll sell it!


New Member
Jan 19, 2011
i knew nothing at all about motors, or how they worked when i got my first kit. i straight winged it!lol(and it went well):) if you can read, use common sense and having the right tools helps. i think almost anyone can install a china kit on a bike.

i have alot of fun on my bike. iv bought 3 kits total, and used one to build my friend a bike. i think i can speak for him here and say, he enjoys his bike alot more with a motor on it.. if you have the know how already, and a bike. whats the $200 to give it a try,right??

they are, for the most part cheep to fix. and if you know what your doing, can fix most to all problems yourself. you can install them in under 10hours. even take your time to do it all right. and all the aftermarket parts are really nice. makes it easy to adapt your bike to where you are riding.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2009
CT and MA
I agree with everything that has been said. Building a motorized bike, discovering the flaws, and correcting those flaws is an almost zen experience. I for one disrespect the people who make craigslist ads talking about motorized bicycles which they mill out without testing or knowing what they are doing. we will like you much more if you go through the same initiation we all have gone through and become a knowledgeable builder of motorized bikes by working hard to get your own personal bike to run well :) This is generally not a money making hobby. I usually lose money. Only a few of us have gained from this, and they are the lucky ones :)