Hey BIKEBERRY Thats my BIKE !!!!



Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
memphis tn
If you want to give them permission to use it for an engine that would be way cool for you. The only other suggestion is like Nougat said, legal order.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
Well what they did was take my 2 pictures(one of each side of the bike) and flipped the one of the shroud around so it faces the wrong way.So basically cropped 2 of my photos to make one.I'm thinking a motor would be a good trade as suggested.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
That's why I put my company name on most every pic I post!!!
It really bugs me to see my bikes on other peoples web sites! (acting like they built it... ) :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010
Well he did take my bike off his ad.But not before I had to proove it to him by sending him photos of my bike that he stole.So basically I had to show him that I was the original owner of the photos. Or what it's ok to steal them from someone as long as ya don't get caught..wtf is that.

I wasn't made at all about the situation. But having to prove my self kinda peed me off. So...remember Bikeberry Santa Claus knows if you've been Naughty or nice!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2010
SoCal Baby!!!
LOL Bikeberry "borrowed" the pic of the 4 stroke Honda with the Whizzer sheave on the right sidebar too.
It isn't my bike but I know the owner. He was flattered when he was told they were
"using" his photo so he didn't make an issue of it.
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Nov 7, 2008

Jack from BikeBerry here. My sincerest apologies for using your photos without permission. Truth is that we do not do our banner designs in house, rather we have a freelance designer that does our banner designs for us. He had specific instructions NOT use any photos of motorized bicycles without the permission from the photos owner. Apparently, these instructions were ignored. He has since been reprimanded and as you can see the banner has been changed. Obviously this is no excuse as in the end we are accountable.

As stated in the email I sent to you,I'll be more then happy to offer you a hefty discount on anything on our site. That includes engine kits or parts and accessories. Feel free to give me a ring anytime at 1800-317-0479 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************1800-317-0479******end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Thanks again for your understanding. BTW, I can see why the designer had chosen your bike to be displayed in the banner, its one the nicest I've seen!=)


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
Once you post a picture on the net it's like public property.. Any one can save it to their PC and use it as they wish and its impossible to stop them from doing it.. Watermarking them is good so people know where the pic is from but its still does'nt prevent them from using it.. As a general rule you shouldn't post pics that you wouldn't feel comfortable seeing again in a differnet circumstance or setting years from now..

Just my 2 cents..


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2010

Jack from BikeBerry here. My sincerest apologies for using your photos without permission. Truth is that we do not do our banner designs in house, rather we have a freelance designer that does our banner designs for us. He had specific instructions NOT use any photos of motorized bicycles without the permission from the photos owner. Apparently, these instructions were ignored. He has since been reprimanded and as you can see the banner has been changed. Obviously this is no excuse as in the end we are accountable.

As stated in the email I sent to you,I'll be more then happy to offer you a hefty discount on anything on our site. That includes engine kits or parts and accessories. Feel free to give me a ring anytime at 1800-317-0479 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************1800-317-0479******end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Thanks again for your understanding. BTW, I can see why the designer had chosen your bike to be displayed in the banner, its one the nicest I've seen!=)
Jack,No need to apologize...but thanx.I thought the banner was sweet.I just figured I should get a little kickback for the use of my bike photo's,thats all.I'm sure being a buisnesman you too would want a little kickback.You did responed to my first email and then took the banner down quick which is not what I was asking for.I was just asking for something in return and you never responed.I know you run a good biz... my bike did look better.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Once you post a picture on the net it's like public property.. Any one can save it to their PC and use it as they wish and its impossible to stop them from doing it.. Watermarking them is good so people know where the pic is from but its still does'nt prevent them from using it.. As a general rule you shouldn't post pics that you wouldn't feel comfortable seeing again in a differnet circumstance or setting years from now..

Just my 2 cents..
In so very many ways I agree with you K-dregg...

It's just poor form for a business to use anyone's bikes but their own as it infers credit where it isn't due, a classic case of false advertising. So... it's not simply a matter of public domain, it's inherently accepting credit for someone else's work with the sole interest of profit whether deliberate or not. It'd be a different matter if they requested to use a pic from a known customer as it's their own products they're promoting, but instead it's grabbing the best looking result from an image search and basically saying "this is what we sell" - which could well be a complete untruth, "permission" or otherwise.

Is this commonplace, even acceptable in advertising? You bet. Is it all that important? Not really, the issue has been resolved w/no hard feelings. All this would be is yet another example of what you see in the ad is not what you're gonna get in the wrapper *shrug*


New Member
Sep 14, 2010
Midland, TX
you know, thats kind of spiffy of the actual guy from bikeberry coming onto the forum and issuing a *public* apology like that. its one of the reasons i like bikeberry. for the most part they are honorable people. and i can also see why they wanted to use your bike as well. its a nice looking bike.


New Member
Nov 3, 2010
Agoura Hills, Ca
be flattered and talk to them to see if you can get any concessions. If not - don't be a money grubbing whore and pursue them - it's not worth it.