Motorized Bicycles in Real Life


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Houston TX
As we all know, however we build our bikes from just pushbikes with motors to full lighted shifter builds etc, there are other aspects to life, and it would be great to use these for personal transport rather than just fun.

Well, I need to do that. I can't afford insurance on my Honda bike right now and this build would make great transport akin to a modern moped in performance. I have lights, mirrors, etc and a planned three-speed setup, so those are not issues, but there are still major concerns:

Security: How do you keep your bike from being stolen? Without being able to do grocery runs and such it won't be useful. What security devices, etc would you reccomend? (Right now I have a carbon-fiber combonation lock, or so it says, but more is better in these terms)

Legality: How to keep from being hassled by the cops, apart from being responsible, not too loud, etc.

Travel: I might be going to the UK in a couple years and this is a good alternative to renting a normal motorcycle. Anyone know how to ship it on the plane, ride it on the roads over there, and of course get it back? I was thinking full disassembly of the bike down to the frame including lights and motor, draining the fuel, and bringing a more comprehensive toolkit so it could be put back together once I get there.

Thanks for the help.


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Gainesville FL.
Re: MBs in Real Life

Security: Chain lock it the best you can...Like they say, locks are for honest people, if a theif wants it a lock aint gonna stop him.....And unless they KNOW what kind of bike it is they won`t know how to ride it without pulling the clutch in.....
Hassle: Just kee as low a profile as possible....I ride mine like it`s a veh., No riding down the side of the line of traffic at a stop light,ect.ect.ect.....I got a ticket for doing that once....Don`t draw any un needed attention to yourself....Outta sight outta mind....
Trave: Ya gonna have to check in on that.....
Hope this helps some or gives you some idea`s.....


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Houston TX
Re: MBs in Real Life

Thanks for the reply... on security, I'm hoping it looks just bicycle-ish enough that the thief won't know what he's dealing with, I may have no pedals (footpegs instead) which could confuse a thief even more, plus it can only be pullstarted not bumpstarted- where are you able to park say in front of a supermarket? Will they let you on the sidewalk? Mine looks like a really old motorcycle design, so they might not let me on the sidewalk, but who knows??

Hassle- thought as much. Hoping the three speeds will keep it quiet when braking etc, too much noise could draw cops around. I've ridden "real" motorcycles before so it should be easy to keep under the radar.


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
San Diego, CA
Re: MBs in Real Life

If a thief wants it bad enough there won't be any stopping them other than to put a sidecar on it with a badass pitbull sitting in it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
Re: MBs in Real Life

I don't think a petro assisted bike is street legal in the UK. You may be better off to purchase an electric bikeupon arrival in the UK. Maybe some of the blokes on this site can clarify the situation.