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  • Do you still have the bomber? I remember when you got it and how beautiful it was, Hope it held up for you well. That bike was way ahead of its time
    It actually handled terribly. I don't recommend the bent fork because of that. The straight version which cost about the same would be a much better choice.
    Had a question for you. On your atomic bb, you lowered it by adding that springer fork. How did that effect the steering? And at high speeds is it stable?
    I am thinking about getting one for my bike. I like the Monarch style better, but it is more than 4x more expensive, and I do like the idea of lowering the bike a little.
    Hey been almost 2 years since ive.been on here was reading some of your white wire led system idea. I had some ideas i was wondering about seeing as you understand electronics a bit more than i do. If you could shoot a message back thank you the bear
    I have a question is there any thing other than piston rings blown that would cause a lack of compression?
    hello, looking forward on this bike ride tomorrow. give me a ring were to me up okay. later.
    well sorry about the delay, ive completely rebuilt my bike. Im in the process of fine tuning it and hopefully will get it to fire this weekend. Ive made quite a few new mods to it. Cant wait to see how fast it is now. also if you are interested in some high friction clutch pads if got an extra set.
    Hey bikenut...i was wondering what you used as your gas tanks i really like the idea and want more info if you want to share
    I haven't heard about it before, but it doesn't surprise me one bit. Sounds like it would be a good idea to find a bank that doesn't invest your money in any markets. I don't even know if there are any like that.
    I'm fine, thanks for asking buddy. My bike is down tho, found some more damage in the drivetrain. Hope to have it all fixed this weekend.
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