brake noodles for clutch and throttle clearance problems.


a guy who makes cool bikes
i've given this idea to so many people, i figure it deserves it's own thread.

there's a cheap device known as a "brake noodle" that you can buy at any bike shop, for about 5 bucks or less.

it's basically a 90 degree, teflon lined tube that your cable goes into.

they're flexible enough to bend them a little, too.

for the clutch, i took the big bolt that screws into the block out, removed the adjuster, and drilled into the threads just enough for the noodle to push in (about half way.) if you want to go back to the normal cable routing, there's enough threads left to put the adjuster back in.

now you can run your cable straight down into it from the top tube of your frame, and have your throttle and clutch cables ziptied together all pretty.

it works really well, nice and smooth, and looks better, too.

for the throttle, if you have a clearance issue where your cable can't go straight into it because of your frame, you could use a noodle on that, too. you'd have to cut off and solder a new tip on your throttle cable, but that's pretty easy. Norman's got a video how-to, but i can't find it.

there ya go. easy peasy, cheap chinese-y (i love saying that...)


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I did that trick on the 1950 schwinn, it looks a lot better but it made it a little harder to pull.
I was gonna do it to my GFs bike too, but her clutch lever is real hard for her to pull ,so I left it stock...
really? it made mine way smoother and easier to pull. maybe i just got a lucky clutch on my motor.

i'm gonna do it on another bike soon, if it's any different, i'll post it here.
I've not seen the teflon lined things. I made mine out of 3/16" stainless tubing. The teflon would probably make it even smoother. Next time I'll check the bike shops for more goodies. Yours look good Bairdco. Thanks for sharing another good idea with the troops.
I really like noodles....especially mac-n-cheese. Not wild about easy peasy ez-mac and cheesy tastes kinda funky and chunky.....synthetic.
I added a noodle to my clutch, Worked real nice. Can't really tell if its any harder.. but I think its about the same or less force required.
Before mounting my clutch I pull out the cable and put some lubrication oil inside the cover to make it softer we pulling on it.
